Juuremädanike esinemine hariliku kuuse enamusega puistutes uuendusraie järgselt ning taimede ellujäämus
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Eesti Maaülikool
Juurepess (Heterobasidion spp.) on üks olulisemaid juuremädaniku tekitajaid
põhjapoolkera okaspuumetsades. Eestis põhjustab juurepess väga suurt majandusliku
kahju meie kuusikutele, kahjustades puidu kvaliteeti ja põhjustades puistu tootlikkuse
Bakalaureusetöö eesmärgiks oli analüüsida juuremädanike osakaalu kändudes
uuendusraie järgselt ning kirjeldada erinevate taimetüüpide ellujäämust alates istutamisest
kuni 2,5 aastat peale istutamist. Analüüsiti erinevate taimeliikide- ja tüüpide sobivust
viljakatesse kasvukohatüüpidesse ning tehti metsakasvatuslikust seisukohast järeldusi,
mis taimetüüpi antud kohas oleks kõige tulemuslikum kasvatada. Analüüsiti ka
võimalikke põhjuseid erinevate taimetüüpide hukkumise kohta. Uuritavad 4 katseala
asusid üle Eesti: Järvamaal (Roosna-Alliku), Harjumaal (Paunküla) ja Tartumaal (Külitse
ja Järvselja). Katsealade kändudest koguti 811 saepuruproovi, millest eraldati laboris
DNA ning määrati PCR-i meetodil juurepessu ja külmaseene esinemine. Kõige suurem
oli kändude nakatumine juurepessuga Roosna-Allikul (14,1%) ja kõige väiksem
Paunkülas (1%). Katsealadelt ei tuvastatud männi-juurepessu esinemist. Hinnates taimede
ellujäämust 2,5 aastat peale istutamist leiti, et kõige suurem hukkumine leidis aset kuuse
potitaimede hulgas (23%) ning kõige vähem hukkus kase potitaimi (4%).
Heterobasidion spp. is one of the most important causes of root rot in coniferous forests of the northern hemisphere. In Estonia, Heterobasidion spp. causes great economic damage to our spruces, damaging the quality of the wood and causing a decrease in forest productivity. The aim of the bachelor's thesis was to analyze the proportion of root rot in stumps after clear cuttings and to describe the survival of different plant types from planting to 2.5 years after planting. The suitability of different plant species and types for fertile forest site types was analyzed and conclusions were drawn from the silvicultural point of view, which plant type would be most effective to grow in fertile forest site type. Possible causes of death for different plant types were also analyzed. The four field study areas were located all over Estonia: in Järva County (Roosna-Alliku), in Harju County (Paunküla) and in Tartu County (Külitse and Järvselja). 811 sawdust samples were collected from the stumps of the field study areas, from which DNA was extracted in the laboratory and the presence of Heterobasidion spp and Armillaria sp. was determined. The highest infection of Heterobasidion spp. was in Roosna-Alliku (14,1%) and the lowest in Paunküla (1%). Heterobasidion annosum was not detected in the field study areas. Assessing plant survival 2.5 years after planting, it was found that the highest death rate occurred among potted spruce plants (23%) and the lowest number among potted birch plants (4%).
Heterobasidion spp. is one of the most important causes of root rot in coniferous forests of the northern hemisphere. In Estonia, Heterobasidion spp. causes great economic damage to our spruces, damaging the quality of the wood and causing a decrease in forest productivity. The aim of the bachelor's thesis was to analyze the proportion of root rot in stumps after clear cuttings and to describe the survival of different plant types from planting to 2.5 years after planting. The suitability of different plant species and types for fertile forest site types was analyzed and conclusions were drawn from the silvicultural point of view, which plant type would be most effective to grow in fertile forest site type. Possible causes of death for different plant types were also analyzed. The four field study areas were located all over Estonia: in Järva County (Roosna-Alliku), in Harju County (Paunküla) and in Tartu County (Külitse and Järvselja). 811 sawdust samples were collected from the stumps of the field study areas, from which DNA was extracted in the laboratory and the presence of Heterobasidion spp and Armillaria sp. was determined. The highest infection of Heterobasidion spp. was in Roosna-Alliku (14,1%) and the lowest in Paunküla (1%). Heterobasidion annosum was not detected in the field study areas. Assessing plant survival 2.5 years after planting, it was found that the highest death rate occurred among potted spruce plants (23%) and the lowest number among potted birch plants (4%).
Metsamajanduse õppekaval
bakalaureusetööd, harilik kuusk, uuendusraie, juurepess, külmaseen