Ühiskondliku hoone energiasäästu võimalused erinevate valgustite kasutamisel
Kättesaadav alates
Tamla, Iris
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Eesti Maaülikool
Antud bakalaureusetöö keskendub energiasäästu võimaluste uurimisele Eesti Maaülikooli
ühiselamu Torn elektrienergia tarbimise kontekstis. Töös hõlmatakse põhjalikku
kirjanduse ülevaadet energiasäästu kontseptsioonidest, erinevatest lahendustest ja
energiapoliitika direktiividest. Lisaks analüüsitakse ühiselamu valgustuse praegust
elektrienergia tarbimist ning koostatakse tasuvusanalüüs parandusmeetmete jaoks. Autori
panus seisneb analüütilises lähenemises ja praktilise lahenduse väljatöötamises kõrghoone
elektrienergia tõhususe parandamiseks valgustuse abil. Töö rõhutab vajadust kontrollida
ja ajakohastada valgustuslahendusi vastavalt standarditele, tagamaks elanikele
ergonoomilise elukeskkonna, mis toetab heaolu. Edasised uuringud ja analüüs ühiselamu
"Torn" valgustingimuste vastavuse kohta standarditele on samuti olulised. Töö pakub
alust magistriõppe tasemel süvendatud uurimiseks ja valgustusprojekti koostamiseks.
This bachelor's thesis focuses on exploring energy-saving opportunities in the context of electricity consumption in the Torn dormitory of the Estonian University of Life Sciences. The thesis includes a comprehensive review of the literature on energy-saving concepts, different solutions, and energy policy directives. Additionally, the current electricity consumption of the dormitory's lighting is analyzed, and a cost-benefit analysis is conducted for potential improvement measures. The author's contribution lies in an analytical approach and the development of practical solutions to enhance the efficiency of electricity usage in the high-rise building through lighting. The thesis emphasizes the need to verify and update lighting solutions to meet standards, ensuring an ergonomic living environment that supports well-being. Further research and analysis regarding the compliance of lighting conditions in the Torn dormitory with standards are also crucial. This work serves as a foundation for further in-depth research and the development of a lighting project at the master's level.
This bachelor's thesis focuses on exploring energy-saving opportunities in the context of electricity consumption in the Torn dormitory of the Estonian University of Life Sciences. The thesis includes a comprehensive review of the literature on energy-saving concepts, different solutions, and energy policy directives. Additionally, the current electricity consumption of the dormitory's lighting is analyzed, and a cost-benefit analysis is conducted for potential improvement measures. The author's contribution lies in an analytical approach and the development of practical solutions to enhance the efficiency of electricity usage in the high-rise building through lighting. The thesis emphasizes the need to verify and update lighting solutions to meet standards, ensuring an ergonomic living environment that supports well-being. Further research and analysis regarding the compliance of lighting conditions in the Torn dormitory with standards are also crucial. This work serves as a foundation for further in-depth research and the development of a lighting project at the master's level.
Tehnika ja tehnoloogia õppekaval
bakalaureusetööd, energiatõhusus, valguslahendus, ühiselamu Torn