APJ freespingi makroprogrammeerimine
Kättesaadav alates
Kenk, Argo
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Eesti Maaülikool
Arvprogrammjuhtimisega (lüh APJ) freespingi töö automatiseerimise vältimatuks osaks on
makroprogrammeerimine, mistõttu on see vajalik oskus tänapäevases tootvas tööstuses.
Töö eesmärgiks on luua APJ freespingi makroprogrammeerimise õppevahend, mis
täiustaks olemasolevaid õppeaineid. Töö sisaldab makroprogrammeerimise teoreetilist ja
praktilist osa. Viimases pakutakse välja viis erinevat ülesannet koos autoripoolsete APJ
freespingis toimivate lahendustega. Lisaks on kirjeldatud makrode õppimiseks vajalikke
tarkvarasid. Töö käigus esinenud probleemide põhjal on välja toodud autori soovitused
makroprogrammeerimisega alustamiseks.
Macro programming is used to automate working with numerically controlled milling machine, which makes it a necessary know-how in industry. The aim of this thesis is to provide study material for macro programming in order to add extra value for already existing subjects. It includes theoretical and practical chapters. The practical part focuses on five tasks with solutions, that were tested in CNC milling machine. In addition a short review of avaiable softwares has been given. Author has also given suggestions for future study material users. These suggestions are based on author`s personal learning process.
Macro programming is used to automate working with numerically controlled milling machine, which makes it a necessary know-how in industry. The aim of this thesis is to provide study material for macro programming in order to add extra value for already existing subjects. It includes theoretical and practical chapters. The practical part focuses on five tasks with solutions, that were tested in CNC milling machine. In addition a short review of avaiable softwares has been given. Author has also given suggestions for future study material users. These suggestions are based on author`s personal learning process.
Tootmistehnika õppekaval
magistritööd, makroprogrammeerimine, muutujad, freesimine, freespingid