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Eesti Maaülikool
Magistritöö keskendub väärtuspakkumise loomisele maitse- ja ravimtaimede turundamisel
ning käsitleb tarbijate ostuotsuseid mõjutavaid tegureid. Teema on aktuaalne, sest
tänapäeval ostetakse tooteid üha enam lisaks omaduste kogumile ka toote väärtuste tõttu.
Üheks selliseks väljundiks väärtuspakkumise juures on ökomärgised, mida kasutatakse
mahetoodete juures.
Magistritöö eesmärk on välja selgitada tarbijate teadlikkus ökomärgisest ning hinnata
ökomärgise kui väärtuspakkumise mõju maitse- ja ravimtaimede turundamisel.
Eesmärgi saavutamiseks uurib ja analüüsib autor tarbijate teadlikkust mahetootmise ja
ökomärgise kohta ning selgitab välja ökomärgise mõju maitse- ja ravimtaimede
turundamisel. Samuti analüüsib töö autor Eesti maitse- ja ravimtaimekasvatajate
turundustegevust ning ökomärgise kasutamist. Seejärel määratleb autor peamised põhjused
tarbijate ostuotsuse tegemisel ning teeb konkreetsed ettepanekud väärtuspakkumise
loomiseks maitse- ja ravimtaimede turundamisel.
Uuringust selgus, et maitse- ja ravimtaime juures on oluliseks teguriks kodumaine tooraine
ja tervislikkus. Mahedalt toodetud toode ei oma tähtsus, kuna tarbijad arvavad, et
kodumaine tooraine ja Eestis kasvatatud maitse- ja ravimtaimed on niigi tervislikud.
Tarbija tunneb tootel ära ökomärgise, kuid ei nimeta seda peamiseks põhjuseks ostuotsuste
Uurimistööks valitud teema võib autori arvates huvi pakkuda Eesti maitse- ja
ravimtaimede kasvatajatele, keda huvitab kaasaegse turunduse oluline suund –
väärtuspakkumise loomine maitse- ja ravimtaimede turundamise juures.
This Master’s thesis deals with creating value propositions in the marketing of medicinal and aromatic herbs and studies the factors influencing the consumers’ purchase decisions. The topic is relevant since more and more products today are purchased based on their product value in addition to features and characteristics. One such means of output employed in value propositions are eco-labels that are used on organic products. The aim of this Master’s thesis was to study the customers’ awareness of the eco-label and evaluate its possible role in value propositions regarding the marketing of medicinal and aromatic herbs. For the purposes of achieving the aim of this thesis, the author studies and analyses the consumers’ awareness in the field of organic production and eco-labels whilst also exploring the influence of the eco-label in marketing medicinal and aromatic herbs. The author also analyses the marketing strategies and use of the eco-label among Estonian medicinal and aromatic herb growers. The author determines the main factors that influence the customers’ purchase decisions and proposes specific suggestions for creating value propositions in the marketing of medicinal and aromatic herbs. The results of the study revealed that domestic produce and healthiness constitute an important factor concerning medicinal and aromatic herbs. Consumers do not consider organic production very important because they find that domestic produce and medicinal and aromatic herbs that have been grown in Estonia are healthy no matter what. Consumers recognise the eco-label on the packaging, but do not claim that it would be the main factor influencing their purchase decision. The author finds that the topic of this thesis might be of interest to Estonian growers of medicinal and aromatic herbs, who are also interested in contemporary marketing solutions – creating value propositions in the marketing of medicinal and aromatic herbs.
This Master’s thesis deals with creating value propositions in the marketing of medicinal and aromatic herbs and studies the factors influencing the consumers’ purchase decisions. The topic is relevant since more and more products today are purchased based on their product value in addition to features and characteristics. One such means of output employed in value propositions are eco-labels that are used on organic products. The aim of this Master’s thesis was to study the customers’ awareness of the eco-label and evaluate its possible role in value propositions regarding the marketing of medicinal and aromatic herbs. For the purposes of achieving the aim of this thesis, the author studies and analyses the consumers’ awareness in the field of organic production and eco-labels whilst also exploring the influence of the eco-label in marketing medicinal and aromatic herbs. The author also analyses the marketing strategies and use of the eco-label among Estonian medicinal and aromatic herb growers. The author determines the main factors that influence the customers’ purchase decisions and proposes specific suggestions for creating value propositions in the marketing of medicinal and aromatic herbs. The results of the study revealed that domestic produce and healthiness constitute an important factor concerning medicinal and aromatic herbs. Consumers do not consider organic production very important because they find that domestic produce and medicinal and aromatic herbs that have been grown in Estonia are healthy no matter what. Consumers recognise the eco-label on the packaging, but do not claim that it would be the main factor influencing their purchase decision. The author finds that the topic of this thesis might be of interest to Estonian growers of medicinal and aromatic herbs, who are also interested in contemporary marketing solutions – creating value propositions in the marketing of medicinal and aromatic herbs.
Majandusarvestuse ja finatsjuhtimise õppeakaval
magistritööd, maitsetaimed, ravimtaimed, tarbijakäitumine, väärtuspakkumine, ökomärgised, mahepõllumajandus