Elektriseadmete ülekoormuse ja lühise kaitse
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Loorits, Maarja-Liisa
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Käesolevas töös on uuritud erinevat tüüpi kaitseseadmete sobivust nii ülekoormuse, kui ka
lühise kaitseks. Täpsemalt oli käsitlusel Enics Eesti AS-is tekkinud probleem, kus mooduli
testris olevad kaitseseadmed ei suutnud tagada piisavat kaitset, mis omakorda kätkeb tihtipeale
intensiivse tulemänguga. Probleemi täpsemalt uurides sai leitud, et probleemseks kohaks ei ole
niivõrd ülekoormus, vaid olukord mis võib tekkida halbade ühenduste tõttu jootumisel või
konstrueerimisel. Seega sai leitud, et praegune ülekoormuse kaitseks mõeldud kaitselüliti on
sobiv antud seadme kaitseks, kuid lühisekaitseks mõeldud sulavkaitsmed peaks välja
vahetama sobivamate vastu.
Uurides erinevate kaitsmete rakendumist lühise korral sai leitud 5 kõige sobivamat varianti.
Antud juhul parimaks seadme kaitseks oleks siiski endiselt sulavkaitse. Samas mitte
üldotstarbeline gG tüüpi sulavkaitse vaid gR tüüpi, mis on otseselt mõeldud pooljuhtseadmete
kaitseks. Seadme ehituslike eripärade tõttu pole võimalik transistoreid endid kaitsta, küll aga
ülejäänud moodulit lühisel vabaneva energia eest. Leitud sulavkaitsmetest oleks parimaks
variandiks SIBA 000 DIN 80, mis on nendest kõige kiiremini rakenduv.
This final thesis deals with overload and short circuit protection of electrical devices. The first part of work describes closely the problem that occurring in Elva Enics AS electronics manufacturing factory. In the KONE module tester, there is a problem, that current protection device does not ensure enough protection of units under test. The second part of work describes different kind of circuit-breakers, their constructions, behavior, advantages and disadvantages. In the third part are the test results and conclusions of the miniature circuitbreakers. In the fourth part of work there is research of different kind of fuses, that are suitable for solving occurred problem, based on device that needs to be protected. The result of research showed that currently used circuit-breaker does not ensure necessary protection. Different suggestions are made to change current protection device to avoid destruction of devices under test.
This final thesis deals with overload and short circuit protection of electrical devices. The first part of work describes closely the problem that occurring in Elva Enics AS electronics manufacturing factory. In the KONE module tester, there is a problem, that current protection device does not ensure enough protection of units under test. The second part of work describes different kind of circuit-breakers, their constructions, behavior, advantages and disadvantages. In the third part are the test results and conclusions of the miniature circuitbreakers. In the fourth part of work there is research of different kind of fuses, that are suitable for solving occurred problem, based on device that needs to be protected. The result of research showed that currently used circuit-breaker does not ensure necessary protection. Different suggestions are made to change current protection device to avoid destruction of devices under test.
lühis, ülekoormus, sulavkaitsmed, kaitserelee, kaitse, lõputööd