The possibility of using powdered sea - buckthorn in the development of bakery products with antioxidant properties
Kättesaadav alates
Ajakirja pealkiri
Ajakirja ISSN
Köite pealkiri
article examines ways of increasing the antioxidant capacity of bakery products
(referred to here as BP) by adding powdered peel, powdered seeds, and powdered marc produced
from sea
buckthorn berries. Three different versions of BP were developed with the
addition of the following powders: from the peel (3%), from the marc (5%) with a sugar content
of 14.5%; and from seeds (5%) with a sugar content of 5%, and with a potato flake content of
5%. BPs with the addition of sea
buckthorn powders were bake
d at two temperature regimes:
200°C and 220
°C. The content of phenolic compounds, flavonoids, and ascorbic acid were
determined for the sea
buckthorn powder, for the crust of BP, and in BP crumbs. The antioxidant
activity of BP was determined by the use o
f two methods: by chemiluminescence, and by their
reaction to the DPPH
radical. Cyclic amides (lactams) were determined in BP crusts and crumbs
with the use of the IR spectroscopy method. The AOA of powdered sea buckthorn depended upon
the volume of phenol
ic compounds and ascorbic acid in them: peel
seeds. The
antioxidant properties of BPs decreased in the following order and were aligned the following
way: BP with marc
BP with peel
BP with seeds. They displayed higher AOA levels than was
lated in theoretical tests, depending upon the volume of powders in the recipe. An increase
of the baking temperature led to a loss of phenolic compounds and vitamin C, as well as to the
formation of poly lactams. BP baked at the temperature regime of 200
displayed the greatest
AOA levels.
sea buckthorn, peel, seed, marc, bakery products, antioxidant activity, lactams, articles