Soojussaare leevendamine Telliskivi piirkonnas
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Linna soojussaare (UHI) efekt on süvenev probleem tänapäeva linnamaastikul. Vaatamata
selle olulisusele on siiani rakendatud vähe tõhusaid meetodeid UHI mõju leevendamiseks ja
linnakeskkonna parandamiseks. Selle probleemi lahendamiseks uuritakse strateegiaid, mis
keskenduvad linna kuumuse vähendamisele ja elukeskkonna parandamisele, suurendades
evapotranspiratsiooni, et tõhusalt jahutada linna mikrokliimat.
Uuringu käigus analüüsiti Telliskivi piirkonna praeguseid tingimusi, sealhulgas maastiku
eripärasid, juurdepääsetavust ja olemasolevaid rohestruktuure. Teaduskirjanduse ja sarnaste
projektide analüüsi põhjal töötati välja jätkusuutlikud lahendused, mis keskenduvad eelkõige
evapotranspiratsiooni suurendamisele. Näiteks on kavandatud veekanalite rajamine,
rohekatused ja vertikaalne haljastus, mis kõik soodustavad vee aurustumist ja taimede
transpiratsiooni, aidates sellega tõhusalt ümbritsevat keskkonda jahutada. Lisaks on plaanis
vähendada parkimisalade mahtu, et suurendada rohealade osakaalu ja paremini integreerida
ala ümbritsevasse linnakeskkonda.
Lõpptulemusena on kavandatud linnak, mis püüdleb jahedama, ökoloogiliselt mitmekesisema
ja meeldivama linnakeskkonna loomise poole, kus evapotranspiratsioon mängib keskset rolli.
The urban heat island (UHI) effect is an increasing problem in modern urban landscapes. Despite its significance, few effective methods have been implemented to mitigate the impact of UHI and improve urban environments. To address this issue, strategies are being explored that focus on reducing urban heat and enhancing the living environment by increasing evapotranspiration to efficiently cool the urban microclimate. During the study, the current conditions of the Telliskivi area were analyzed, including landscape features, accessibility, and existing green structures. Based on the analysis of scientific literature and similar projects, sustainable solutions were developed with a primary focus on increasing evapotranspiration. For example, the creation of water channels, green roofs, and vertical greenery is planned, all of which promote water evaporation and plant transpiration, effectively cooling the surrounding environment. Additionally, there are plans to reduce the amount of parking space to increase green areas and better integrate the site with the surrounding urban environment. The result is a proposed urban area that aims to create a cooler, more ecologically diverse, and pleasant urban environment, with evapotranspiration playing a central role.
The urban heat island (UHI) effect is an increasing problem in modern urban landscapes. Despite its significance, few effective methods have been implemented to mitigate the impact of UHI and improve urban environments. To address this issue, strategies are being explored that focus on reducing urban heat and enhancing the living environment by increasing evapotranspiration to efficiently cool the urban microclimate. During the study, the current conditions of the Telliskivi area were analyzed, including landscape features, accessibility, and existing green structures. Based on the analysis of scientific literature and similar projects, sustainable solutions were developed with a primary focus on increasing evapotranspiration. For example, the creation of water channels, green roofs, and vertical greenery is planned, all of which promote water evaporation and plant transpiration, effectively cooling the surrounding environment. Additionally, there are plans to reduce the amount of parking space to increase green areas and better integrate the site with the surrounding urban environment. The result is a proposed urban area that aims to create a cooler, more ecologically diverse, and pleasant urban environment, with evapotranspiration playing a central role.
Keskkonnaplaneerimise ja maastikukujunduse õppekaval
bakalaureusetööd, linna soojussaare efekt (UHI), Telliskivi, evapotranspiratsioon, veekanalid, vertikaalhaljastus, Roheline Ülikool (töö toetab EMÜ Rohelise Ülikooli põhimõtteid), keskkond, jätkusuutlikkus, säästev areng