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Leetunud muld on Eesti aasta 2023 muld




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Estonian Academic Agricultural Society


For the Year 2023 Soil of Estonia by the Estonian Soil Science Society was elected the Podzolic or podzolized soil, which is known by the World Reference Base for Soil Resources (WRB) as Umbric Podzol. In introduction of actual review the Podzolic soils’ morphology and their subdivision principles (by moisture conditions and profile development) are analysed. By the Estonia Soil Classification totally seven species of podzolized automorphic soils have been separated, from which each species have an original code used in the soil mapping. By mean of schematic map is characterized the distribution of these soils in Estonia, but by mean of normally developed soils’ matrix the co-evolution with other soil species. Podzolic soils are formed totally 5.0% from the total Estonian soil cover, but 4.3% from the forest and 5.2% from the arable land. Special attention was payed to humus status of these soils, characterizing among others humus cover (or humipedons) fabric and essential properties separately on forest and arable lands. Beside of depending on soil texture, moisture conditions and land use, soil quantitative characteristics (given by soil species or by soil groups), as well the results of comparative analysis and using peculiarities of Podzolic soils in agricultural practice have been explained. At end of the review the possibilities for characterizing Podzolic soils’ species and varieties peculiarities by mean of principal and supplemental qualifiers WRB is explained.


Saabunud / Received 01.01.2023 ; Aktsepteeritud / Accepted 17.03.2023 ; Avaldatud veebis / Published online 30.09.2023 ; Vastutav autor / Corresponding author Raimo Kõlli ;


Umbric Podzol, year soil, humus status, Podzolic soil, matrix of soil classification, moder- type humus cover, articles

