Klientide käitumine loomadega seotud turismiteenuste külastamisel
Kättesaadav alates
Kukin, Hilda-Liisa
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Eesti Maaülikool
Varasemalt on Merle Tarkonen käsitlenud loomadega seotud hea tava Eestis enda magistritöös. Uurides tema tööd, koostas selle töö autor uurimuse ning vaatles, kuidas käituvad külastajad loomadega seotud turismi teenuste juures. Selle uurimustöö jaoks käsitleti teoreetilisi materjale loomadega seotud turismi kohta. Uurimustöös uuriti loomadega seotud turismi ning selle mõju, kuidas on kujunenud loomadega seotud turism Eestis ning kuidas seda Eestis reguleeritakse ning millist kasu võiks loomadega seotud turism külastajatele Eestis tuua. Uurimustöö praktilises osas koostas töö autor vaatluspäeviku, kus ta käsitles järgmisi teemasid: teenusepakkujad ja nende eesmärk, kus ja milliseid loomi külastajatele näidatakse, kuidas neid ettevõtmisi reguleeritakse ning kuidas tagatakse külastajate kui ka loomade ohutus ja vaadeldi kuidas külastajad loomadega käituvad. Uurimustöö käigus selgub, et loomi saab vaadelda nii loomaaias, loomavaatlusel, laatadel, festivalidel ja taludes. Oma uurimuses vaatles uurija külastajate käitumist laatadel, festivalidel kui ka taludes. Uurimustöö käigus selgub, et kõige rohkem vajab tähelepanu laste käitumine loomadega seotud turismis. Tuleb ilmsiks, et lastel oleks vaja juurde omandada loomadega seotud loodusharidust. Lisaks tuleks hakata reguleerima kõikide klientide käitumist loomadega. Selleks tuleks luua loomapidajatel kindel reeglistik, kuidas loomadega koos olles käituma peaks.
Previously, Merle Tarkonen has discussed the good practice related to animals in Estonia in her master's thesis. While researching her work, the author of this study observed how visitors behave in tourism services related to animals. For this research, theoretical materials on animal-related tourism were discussed. The research paper examined animal-related tourism and its impact, how animal-related tourism has developed in Estonia, how it is regulated in the country, and what benefits animal-related tourism could bring to visitors. In the practical part of the research, the author of the work prepared an observation diary, where she discussed the following topics: service providers and their purpose, where and which animals are shown to visitors, how these activities are regulated, how the safety of visitors and animals is ensured, and how visitors behave with animals. During the research, it became clear that animals can be observed in zoos, at animal viewings, fairs, festivals and farms. The researcher specifically observed the behavior of visitors at fairs, festivals and farms. It became evident that the behavior of children in animal-related tourism requires the most attention. Children need to acquire more nature education related to animals. Additionally, the behavior of all customers with animals should be regulated. For this purpose, livestock keepers should have a set of rules regarding how to behave when they are with animals.
Previously, Merle Tarkonen has discussed the good practice related to animals in Estonia in her master's thesis. While researching her work, the author of this study observed how visitors behave in tourism services related to animals. For this research, theoretical materials on animal-related tourism were discussed. The research paper examined animal-related tourism and its impact, how animal-related tourism has developed in Estonia, how it is regulated in the country, and what benefits animal-related tourism could bring to visitors. In the practical part of the research, the author of the work prepared an observation diary, where she discussed the following topics: service providers and their purpose, where and which animals are shown to visitors, how these activities are regulated, how the safety of visitors and animals is ensured, and how visitors behave with animals. During the research, it became clear that animals can be observed in zoos, at animal viewings, fairs, festivals and farms. The researcher specifically observed the behavior of visitors at fairs, festivals and farms. It became evident that the behavior of children in animal-related tourism requires the most attention. Children need to acquire more nature education related to animals. Additionally, the behavior of all customers with animals should be regulated. For this purpose, livestock keepers should have a set of rules regarding how to behave when they are with animals.
Loodusturismi õppekaval
bakalaureusetööd, loomad, turism, külastajad