Keskkonnatingimuste ja töömeetodite mõju Leica laser tracker AT401 täpsusele
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Eesti Maaülikool
Väga suur täpsusnõue metallkonstruktsioonide ja tööstusseadmete montaažis, vajadus
säästa aega ning vältida tootmiskadusid, sunnib kasutama moodsaid mõõteseadmeid. Üks
neist on laser tracker – elektrontahhümeetri sugulane, kuid palju suurema täpsusega.
Täpsus on kuni 0,01 mm. Töös tutvustatakse seadet, selle spetsiaalseid kõrgtäpseid
reflektorid koos vastava adapteriga. Samuti antakse ülevaade tarkvarast, mis võimaldab
luua tootepõhiseid koordinaatüsteeme ja tulemusi koheselt ekraanil kuvada.
Töö eesmärk on uurida laser tracker'i täpsust erinevates ja muutuvates
keskkonnatingimustes ning uute meetodite kasutamist töö kiiruse tõstmiseks ilma
kvaliteedilanguseta. Nendeks on ühe punkti meetodi ja eelmise päeva koordinaatsüsteemi
kasutamine. Töös on uuritud optimaalset valikut suuremate metallkonstruktsioonide
mõõdistuse jaoks. Analüüsitud on ka eri tootjate mudelite võimekust. Võrreldakse
tracker’it Leica AT401 teiste mudelitega, analüüsides, mis on optimaalne valik. Turul on
ka teisi alternatiive, seadmete võimekuse vahe on siiski suur.
Tracker'i nurkade ning kauguste mõõtmine toimub sarnaselt elektrontahhümeetriga, kui
kõrgema täpsusega. Kuna seade ei ole statsionaarne, tuuakse see tihti külmast sooja
ruumi. Sama kehtib statiivide kohta. Selliseid keskkonnamõjusid on vähe uuritud, seda
lünka püüab see töö täita. Eraldi on analüüsitud tracker'i täpsust, esitatud on
objektinäiteid, selgitatud on koordinaatsüsteemi loomist, toodud on ülevaade tarkvarast ja
Very high accuracy requirements for the assembly of metal structures and industrial equipment and the need to save time and avoid production losses necessitate the use of modern measurement devices. One of these is the laser tracker – a relative of the total station but with a far higher accuracy class of up to 0,01 mm. The Master’s Thesis introduces the device and its special high-precision reflectors, combined with an appropriate adapter. In addition, an overview is given of the software enabling the creation of product-based coordinate systems and instant display of the results on the screen. The objective of the Master’s Thesis is to investigate the accuracy of the laser tracker in diverse and variable environmental conditions. The use of new methods to increase measurement speed without compromising quality is studied. The methods are the onepoint method and the previous day coordinate system. The Master’s Thesis explores the optimal choice for the measurement of larger metal structures. As well, the capabilities of models from different producers are analysed. The tracker Leica AT401 is compared with other models to ascertain the optimal option. While there are alternatives on the market, the difference in capabilities between the devices is still great. The tracker measures the angles and distances much like the total station but with higher accuracy. As the device is not stationary, it is often brought from the cold environment into a warm room, as is the tripod. Such environmental effects have been little studied; hence this Master’s Thesis endeavours to fill the gap. The tracker’s accuracy is analysed separately; examples of sites are provided; the creation of the coordinate system is explained; and the software and the calculation principles are outlined.
Very high accuracy requirements for the assembly of metal structures and industrial equipment and the need to save time and avoid production losses necessitate the use of modern measurement devices. One of these is the laser tracker – a relative of the total station but with a far higher accuracy class of up to 0,01 mm. The Master’s Thesis introduces the device and its special high-precision reflectors, combined with an appropriate adapter. In addition, an overview is given of the software enabling the creation of product-based coordinate systems and instant display of the results on the screen. The objective of the Master’s Thesis is to investigate the accuracy of the laser tracker in diverse and variable environmental conditions. The use of new methods to increase measurement speed without compromising quality is studied. The methods are the onepoint method and the previous day coordinate system. The Master’s Thesis explores the optimal choice for the measurement of larger metal structures. As well, the capabilities of models from different producers are analysed. The tracker Leica AT401 is compared with other models to ascertain the optimal option. While there are alternatives on the market, the difference in capabilities between the devices is still great. The tracker measures the angles and distances much like the total station but with higher accuracy. As the device is not stationary, it is often brought from the cold environment into a warm room, as is the tripod. Such environmental effects have been little studied; hence this Master’s Thesis endeavours to fill the gap. The tracker’s accuracy is analysed separately; examples of sites are provided; the creation of the coordinate system is explained; and the software and the calculation principles are outlined.
Geodeesia õppekaval
magistritööd, tööstusgeodeesia, metroloogia, täpsus