Erosioonisimulaatori katsetamine nõlvakattematerjalide uurimiseks
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Eesti Maaülikool
Reoveepuhastites tekib puhastusprotsessi kõrvalsaadusena toitaineterikast reoveesetet.
Setet käideldakse ning selle tulemusel valmivat settekomposti saab taaskasutada.
Settekomposti üheks võimaluseks on kasutamine teenõlvadel haljastusmulla asendajana.
Settekompost on oma toitainete rikkuse poolest heaks kasvupinnaseks taimestikule. Selle
tulemusel kiiresti kasvav taimestik kaitseks nõlvu sademete poolt põhjustatud erosiooni
Magistritöö eesmärgiks oli hinnata käesolevas töös käsitlevate nõlvakattematerjalide
käitumist katsenõlval laboritingimustes, erinevate nõlvuste ja vihmaintensiivsuste korral.
Katsed sooritati olukorras, kui nõlva pinnal puudus haljastus. Töös kasutati kokku seitset
erinevat nõlvakattematerjali. Nõlvakateteks olid vee-ettevõtetest pärit reoveesette
kompostid, reoveesette kompostid segatuna mineraalliivaga ja haljastusmuld.
Nõlvakattematerjale uuriti varasemalt ehitatud erosioonisimulaatoriga. Lisaks määrati
magistritöö käigus kasutatavate pinnaste füüsikalised parameetrid ning orgaanilise aine
sisaldus. Teimimise käigus määrati nõlvakattematerjalide mehaanilised omadused –
nidusus c ja sisehõõrdenurk 𝜑. Samuti selgitati välja laborkatsetega pinnaste
Katsetulemuste põhjal analüüsiti töös kasutatud nõlvakattematerjale ning hinnati nende
kasutussobilikkust. Katsetega selgus, et reoveesette kompostide mitmed füüsikalised ja
hüdrofüüsikalised omadused erinesid traditsioonilise haljastusmulla omadest.
In wastewater treatment plants wastewater sludge forms as a side product of the water cleaning process. The raw sludge is processed and as a result a sludge compost is formed which can be recycled. One of the options to utilize the sludge compost is to use it as an alternative to traditional soil on the slopes of roads. Compost made from wastewater sludge is a good growing base for plants due to its richness with nutrients and fast-growing vegetation would protect the slopes from the eroding effect of precipitation. The purpose of the master’s thesis is to evaluate the behavior of slope covering materials in this work, on an experimental slope in laboratory conditions, in different inclines of the slope, and rainfall intensities. The tests were followed through in a situation where vegetation was absent on the slope. Seven different slope cover materials were used in tests. Used materials were sludge composts from wastewater treatment companies, sludge composts mixed with mineral sand, and traditional soil. Slope cover materials were studied with an erosion simulator built beforehand. Additionally, the physical parameters, the content of organic matter, mechanical parameters - cohesion c and internal friction angle 𝜑 were assigned during the master’s thesis. Also the water conduction abilities of the soils were determined with the laboratory tests. The slope cover materials used in the thesis were analysed and the test results and their usability were evaluated. Experiments revealed that several physical and hydrophysical properties of sludge compost differed from traditional soil.
In wastewater treatment plants wastewater sludge forms as a side product of the water cleaning process. The raw sludge is processed and as a result a sludge compost is formed which can be recycled. One of the options to utilize the sludge compost is to use it as an alternative to traditional soil on the slopes of roads. Compost made from wastewater sludge is a good growing base for plants due to its richness with nutrients and fast-growing vegetation would protect the slopes from the eroding effect of precipitation. The purpose of the master’s thesis is to evaluate the behavior of slope covering materials in this work, on an experimental slope in laboratory conditions, in different inclines of the slope, and rainfall intensities. The tests were followed through in a situation where vegetation was absent on the slope. Seven different slope cover materials were used in tests. Used materials were sludge composts from wastewater treatment companies, sludge composts mixed with mineral sand, and traditional soil. Slope cover materials were studied with an erosion simulator built beforehand. Additionally, the physical parameters, the content of organic matter, mechanical parameters - cohesion c and internal friction angle 𝜑 were assigned during the master’s thesis. Also the water conduction abilities of the soils were determined with the laboratory tests. The slope cover materials used in the thesis were analysed and the test results and their usability were evaluated. Experiments revealed that several physical and hydrophysical properties of sludge compost differed from traditional soil.
Vesiehitus ja veekaitse õppekaval
magistritööd, reovesi, settekompost, teenõlvad, tehisvihm, erosioon