Moodulmaja tehnosüsteemide projekteerimine MagiCAD`i abil
Kättesaadav alates
Suletud / Closed, Korraldus nr. 6-1.MI/99
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Eesti Maaülikool
Torusüsteemide projekteerimine omab ehitusobjektides väga tähtsat osa. Mudelipõhise
projekteerimisega tagatakse suurem täpsus ja automatiseeritumate funktsioonide
kasutamine võimaldab saavutada korrektsema tulemuse võrreldes traditsioonilise
projekteerimisega. Mudelipõhine projekteerimine annab tuntava ajalise eelise ja
kokkuhoiu ehituses. Terviklik mudel võimaldab näha süsteemide kriitilisi piirkondi ja
need lahendada projekteerimise ajal.
Magistritöö eesmärgiks on lahendada Kodumaja AS ettevõtte poolt ehitatavale
moodulmajale tehnosüsteemid. Kortermaja ruumelementidesse projekteeritakse vastavalt
lähteandmetele veevarustus ja automaatne tulekustutussüsteem ning kanalisatsioon.
Käesolevas töös koostatakse torusüsteemidele 3D mudelid, milles kasutatakse
väljavalitud santehinilisi tooteid täpsete mõõtude ja tehniliste andmetega. Mudeli
süsteemide modelleerimiseks kasutatakse MagiCADi, mis võimaldab teha ka arvutusi.
Tehnosüsteemide projekteerimisel leitakse kõige optimaalsemad ja sobivamad
lahendused, mis ühilduvad moodulmaja ehitustehnoloogiaga. Lahendused peavad
võimaldama ehitada tehnosüsteemid võimalikult suurel määral ruumelementide põhiselt
tehases valmis.
Design of pipe systems has a very important role in construction. Model-based design ensures greater accuracy and the use of automated features allows for more accurate results compared to traditional 2D design. It gives a noticeable effect in time and cost savings on construction sites. A comprehensive 3D model allows you to see the critical areas of the systems and solve them at the design stage. The aim of the Master's thesis is to solve the technical systems of a modular building to be built by Kodumaja AS. Water supply, sprinkler and sewerage system will be designed into the apartment building elements. For this, 3D models are used, using actual products with precise dimensions and technical data. For modeling MagiCAD is used, which also provides good possibilities for making technical calculations on the basis of the model. In the designing process of technical systems, the most optimal and suitable solutions are found, which fit with the building technology of a modular house. The solutions must make it possible to build the technical systems as much as possible into the spatial elements in the factory, leaving minimal work to the building site.
Design of pipe systems has a very important role in construction. Model-based design ensures greater accuracy and the use of automated features allows for more accurate results compared to traditional 2D design. It gives a noticeable effect in time and cost savings on construction sites. A comprehensive 3D model allows you to see the critical areas of the systems and solve them at the design stage. The aim of the Master's thesis is to solve the technical systems of a modular building to be built by Kodumaja AS. Water supply, sprinkler and sewerage system will be designed into the apartment building elements. For this, 3D models are used, using actual products with precise dimensions and technical data. For modeling MagiCAD is used, which also provides good possibilities for making technical calculations on the basis of the model. In the designing process of technical systems, the most optimal and suitable solutions are found, which fit with the building technology of a modular house. The solutions must make it possible to build the technical systems as much as possible into the spatial elements in the factory, leaving minimal work to the building site.
Vesiehitus ja veekaitse erialal
magistritööd, moodulmajad, veevarustus, automaatsed tulekustutussüsteemid, kanalistasioon