Vähelevinud luuviljaliste sortimendi laiendamise võimalused Eestis
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Eesti Maaülikool
Eestis kogub üha enam populaarsust virsiku-, nektariini- ja aprikoosipuude kasvatamine, kuid
vähe on uuritud nende kasvatamise võimalusi. Vähe on uuritud ka sortide sobivust Eesti
tingimustes, mida on küll katsetatud aga põhjalikult pole uuritud. Mainitud põhjustel on töö
eesmärgiks uurida kirjanduse põhjal virsiku-, nektariini- ja aprikoosi puude sortimendi
laiendamise võimalusi Eestis.
Tulemusteks saadi, et Eestis on võimalik vähelevinud luuviljalisi kasvatada. Puukoolides on
müügil erinevaid virsiku-, nektariini- ja aprikoosipuu sorte ning aprikoosipuu sortidest on
olemas Eesti oma sort nimega ‘Tiina’. Kirjanduse põhjal osutus Lääne-Eesti ja saared kõige
paremaks kasvukohaks, kus temperatuuride kõikumine on väiksem ning kliima on sobivaim.
Leiti, et virsikupuu sortidest saaks kasvatada ‘Rubira’, ‘Reliance’, ‘Contender’, ‘Madison’,
nektariinipuu sortidest ‘Independence’, ‘Harco’, ‘Arctic Rose’, ‘Fantasia’ ja aprikoosipuu
sordist ‘Moorpark’. Eelmainitud sordid sobivad Eesti tingimustes kasvatamiseks, kuna neil on
hea külmakindlus tänu millele suudavad puud üle elada Eesti talved ning nende õitsemise aeg
on hiline, aprill kuni mai, mille tõttu on õitel väiksem risk saada kevadel külmakahjustusi.
In Estonia, growing peach, nectarine and apricot trees has started to gain popularity. However, little research has been done on their growing opportunities. There has been little research into the suitability of various cultivars under Estonian conditions, which have been tested but not thoroughly researched. Because of the reasons mentioned, the goal of this thesis is to investigate based on literature the possibilities for expanding the range of peach, nectarine and apricot tree cultivars in Estonia. The results indicate that it is possible to grow uncommon stone fruits in Estonia. Various peach, nectarine and apricot cultivars are available in nurseries. Additionally, there exists an apricot tree cultivar ‘Tiina’, which originates from Estonia. On the basis of literature, West Estonia and the islands turned out to be the best growing areas due to their smaller temperature fluctuations and more favorable climate. It was found, that peach tree cultivars ‘Rubira’, ‘Reliance’, ‘Contender’, and ‘Madison’, nectarine tree cultivars ‘Independence’, ‘Harco’, ‘Arctic Rose’, and ‘Fantasia’ , as well as the apricot tree cultivar ‘Moorpark’, can be grown in Estonia's conditions. The cultivars mentioned can be grown in Estonia, because they are cold hardy and could survive Estonian winters. Additionally, they flower late, in April and May, which reduces the risk of frost damage to blossoms from spring frosts.
In Estonia, growing peach, nectarine and apricot trees has started to gain popularity. However, little research has been done on their growing opportunities. There has been little research into the suitability of various cultivars under Estonian conditions, which have been tested but not thoroughly researched. Because of the reasons mentioned, the goal of this thesis is to investigate based on literature the possibilities for expanding the range of peach, nectarine and apricot tree cultivars in Estonia. The results indicate that it is possible to grow uncommon stone fruits in Estonia. Various peach, nectarine and apricot cultivars are available in nurseries. Additionally, there exists an apricot tree cultivar ‘Tiina’, which originates from Estonia. On the basis of literature, West Estonia and the islands turned out to be the best growing areas due to their smaller temperature fluctuations and more favorable climate. It was found, that peach tree cultivars ‘Rubira’, ‘Reliance’, ‘Contender’, and ‘Madison’, nectarine tree cultivars ‘Independence’, ‘Harco’, ‘Arctic Rose’, and ‘Fantasia’ , as well as the apricot tree cultivar ‘Moorpark’, can be grown in Estonia's conditions. The cultivars mentioned can be grown in Estonia, because they are cold hardy and could survive Estonian winters. Additionally, they flower late, in April and May, which reduces the risk of frost damage to blossoms from spring frosts.
Aianduse õppekaval
bakalaureusetööd, virsikupuu, nektariinipuu, aprikoosipuu