Eesti erosioonist häiritud muldkatted: muldade nomenklatuur ja uurimise ajalugu
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Estonian Academic Agricultural Society
The work, dedicated to the eroded soil i.e. the year 2020 soil of Estonia, consists of two-part. In Part I the general overview (a) the regularities of erosion processes and their forming conditions in the soil cover, and (b) the agro-ecological properties and nomenclature of formed erosion-affected soils (EAS), are treated. Totally in the Estonian soil classification (ESC) 11 eroded and 3 deluvial (colluvial) soil species have been determined. For the main criteria of eroded soils' determination is (a) the intensity or stage of erosion, and (b) the calcareousness of soil cover, but deluvial soils (a) the soils' water regime and (b) the thickness of formed deluvial humus horizon. In this part also the determination criteria of erosion-prone soils and the agronomic quality of EAS are analysed. In Part II the historic overview about scientific researches dedicated to the study of influenced by erosion soils during the last century in Estonia. In this overview, the main thematic issue and the role of leading scientists on researches of most actual problems are presented. The most important themes during this period were: (a) the elaboration suitable for local conditions EAS classification and methods for their field researches; (b) the distribution of EAS in Estonia; (c) the studies upon forming, composition and status of EAS-s; (d) forming databases on essential properties of EAS-s and derived from this the rules of their ecologically sustainable use, and finally (e) the international aspects of Estonian EAS presentation and local researches.
Saabunud / Received 26.04.2020 ; Aktsepteeritud / Accepted 11.06.2020 ; Avaldatud veebis / Published online 30.06.2020 ; Vastutav autor / Corresponding author: Raimo Kõlli e-mail:
erosion-affected soils, eluvial and deluvial soil, year soil, Estonian soil classification, water and wind erosion, research history, articles