Kildemaa jääksoo taastamise tehniline projekt
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Eesti Maaülikool
Rabadel on oluline roll olla ökosüsteemis süsiniku sidujaks, magevee reservuaariks ja
erinevatele taimedele elukeskkonnaks. Kuivenduskravide rajamisega ja turba
kaevandamisega on rikutud ära soos olev hüdroloogiline režiim, mis põhjustab suurtes
kogustes kasvuhoonegaaside paiskumise atmosfääri. Lisaks on kuivendamise tõttu
kadunud rabale iseloomulike taimede elukeskkond.
Käesoleva magistritöö eesmärk oli anda ülevaade jääksoodest põhjustatud olulisematest
keskkonnaprobleemidest ja laialtlevinud taastamisviisidest, ning koostada Kildemaa
jääksoole tehniline taastamise projekt.
Lähteülesanne on koostatud projekti tellija poolt. Lähteandmete kogumiseks on kasutatud
välitööl teostatud mõõtmised, uuritud avalikke kaardirakendusi ja projektala varasemalt
uuritud kirjandust.
Projektlahendusega on taastatud jääksoos hüdroloogiline režiim, mis aitab kaasa
rabasuunaliste taastumisprotsesside tekkele. Projektlahenduses on modelleeritud pinnavee
efektiivne liikumine, suunates veevool kraavidest tagasi jääksoo alale. Projektlahenduse
väljatöötamisel vooluvee ja valgalade modelleerimiseks on kasutatud vabavara SAGA.
Bogs have an important role to accumulate carbon in ecosystem, to store fresh water reservoir and to provide living environment to different plants. Hydrological regimen has been damaged because of ditch digging and mining peat, large amount of greenhousegases released into atmosphere. In addition the habitat of plants has been lost due to drainage. The purpose of the present master's thesis is to give an overview about important environmental problems that are caused by peatlands and to give overview main recovery methods and to compose technical recovery project for Kildemaa peatland. The initial task is created by the project client. To collect source data fieldwork measurements have been used, public map applications have been explored and have been used previously studied literature in the project area. The hydrological regimen has been restored by the project that helps to improve Kildemaa cut-over peatland recovery processes to bog. The project solution includes efficient water surface movement to route water from the ditches back to the cut-over peatland surface. The SAGA freeware was used to design a project solution for modeling water routes and water catchment areas.
Bogs have an important role to accumulate carbon in ecosystem, to store fresh water reservoir and to provide living environment to different plants. Hydrological regimen has been damaged because of ditch digging and mining peat, large amount of greenhousegases released into atmosphere. In addition the habitat of plants has been lost due to drainage. The purpose of the present master's thesis is to give an overview about important environmental problems that are caused by peatlands and to give overview main recovery methods and to compose technical recovery project for Kildemaa peatland. The initial task is created by the project client. To collect source data fieldwork measurements have been used, public map applications have been explored and have been used previously studied literature in the project area. The hydrological regimen has been restored by the project that helps to improve Kildemaa cut-over peatland recovery processes to bog. The project solution includes efficient water surface movement to route water from the ditches back to the cut-over peatland surface. The SAGA freeware was used to design a project solution for modeling water routes and water catchment areas.
Ehitusinseneriõppe lõputöö
Vesiehitus ja veekaitse õppekaval
magistritööd, modelleerimine, veerežiimid