The role of field beans in nutrition of Boer goat
Kättesaadav alates
Aplocina, E.
Ajakirja pealkiri
Ajakirja ISSN
Köite pealkiri
A study on the effective using of field beans to Boer mother goats feeding was carried
out on a farm whose main activity is the production of goat meat. Since the Boer goat breed is
still very rare in Latvia, there is a lack of experience in the feeding of meat goat. Goat productivity
was analyzed according to the birth weight of goat kids a
nd kids live weight at 50 days, as well
as the average live weight gain of kids per day up to 50 days old. For control group goats a
relatively high energy shortage (14% of the daily requirement) and protein deficiency (29% of
the daily requirement) were o
bserved in feed ratio. Adding fodder beans and maize into the feed,
it is possible to optimize feed ratio for energy and protein supply. Experimental activities had
shown that by the inclusion of field beans and maize in feed ratio of goat's mothers, the a
increase in live weight of kids up to 50 days old was by 58.2% higher
than that of kids
in which goats' mothers received only oats as concentrated feed. By the optimization of feed ratio,
it is possible to achieve a higher milk productivity of goat mothers and hence larger live weight
gain for kids, which reduces the feed c
osts by up to 9% for 1kg of live weight. By optimizing the
breeding and feeding of mother goats and kids, it is possible to achieve greater animal fast
growing, hence, more efficient and cost
effective management.
Boer goat, live weight, gain, articles