Nanopreparations in technologies of plants growing
Kättesaadav alates
Ajakirja pealkiri
Ajakirja ISSN
Köite pealkiri
The use of engineered nanomaterials in sustainable agriculture has demonstrated a
completely new way of food production that can potentially overcome uncertainty in the
agricultural sector with limited available resources. Nanoparticle engineering is one of the latest
technological innovations which demonstrate unique target characteristics.
During 2013–2020, research on the directions and effectiveness of nanopreparations in plant
growing: nutrient source, activation of photosynthesis, immunocorrectors, stimulators of seed
germination, plant growth and development, multivalent drugs for increasing plant resistance to
stress was conducted. Monoparticles, nanoparticle combinations, and chelate complex of nano
fertilizers on crops of soybean were tested. Field research was conducted in a stationary field
experiment of the Plant Science Department of the National University of Life and Environmental
Sciences of Ukraine. The soil of the stationary experiment is typical chernozem. In research was
used soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr.) of early-ripening variety Horol. Over the years of research,
weather conditions varied, but were within the typical for zone of research. Average monthly
temperatures were close or higher the perennial average indicators.
The purpose of the research is to find out the influence of pre-sowing seed treatment and
fertilizing of crops by nano-preparations Avatar (microfertilizer of carboxylates of natural acids),
Iodis-concentrate (immunomodulator - stimulator of growth processes), and Super Micro Plus
(nanochelate fertilizer) on leaf formation - rate, the activity of symbiotic nitrogen fixation and
yield of soybean variety Horol.
Nanopreparations were used for pre-sowing seed treatment and fertilizing - spraying during the
growing season in several doses. The use of nanopreparations, as seed treatment in combination
with inoculation and as fertilizer, intensified formation of the leaf surface area, symbiotic
apparatus activity of soybean plants. The introduction of nanofertilizers complex in the
top-dressing helped to increase yields and change the functional quality of crop products which
indicates their unconditional effectiveness. Soybean yield significantly depended on weather
conditions, varying from 1.23 to 3.48 t ha-1 depending on the weather conditions and the
combination of seed inoculation and nanofertilizer. Soybean yield under favourable weather
conditions in 2016, depending on the use of preparation combination ranged from 2.27 to 3.48 t ha-1
As a result of the research, it was found that the use of nanopreparations Avatar, Jodis-concentrate
and Super Micro Plus for seed treatment and fertilizing intensified leaf surface formation and
symbiotic apparatus activity of soybean plants. The obtained results confirm that application of
nanofertilizers complex Jodis-concentrate, Avatar and nano chelate fertilizer Super Micro Plus in
the soybean fertilizing helped to increase the yield, which testifies to their unconditional
effectiveness. The highest efficiency of nanofertilizers was shown by inoculation and seed
treatment by Avatar and fertilizing by Avatar + nano chelate fertilizer Super Micro Plus,
providing the formation of 52.4 thousand m2 ha-1 of leaf surface area of soybean varieties Horol,
69.7 pcs per plant of root nodules, 785 mg per plant of their weight and yield at the level of
2.79 t ha-1
an average of five years.
Received: December 1st, 2020 ; Accepted: March 25th, 2021 ; Published: March 30th, 2021 ; Correspondence:
nano fertilizers, forms of fertilizers, soybean, yields, articles