Ülevaade: Eesti mullastiku seisundi uurimused, mullaseire suunad ja võimalused seire tõhustamiseks
Kättesaadav alates
Kõlli, Raimo
Tõnutare, Tõnu
Eiber, Laura
Ajakirja pealkiri
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Köite pealkiri
Estonian Academic Agricultural Society
In the introductory part a short retrospect to the soil survey proceeded in Estonia since fifties of previous century is given. As a result of this survey the large scale (1:10,000) digitized soil map for the whole Estonian territory with soil contours (soil mapping units) related soil species databases was compiled. For valuable legacy data of this survey, which was conducted by the state financed institution Estonian Agri-project, are soil varieties models (totally 50 models of arable and 27 models of forest soils) with statistically elaborated soils' morphometric and physical-chemical properties in relation to all presented in soil profile (in pedon) diagnostic horizons. The main deliberation of the work is connected with methodology of soil monitoring and with the problem – how to integrate the received from soil monitoring data with capacious databases received during soil survey and scientific researches. In the study the following topics are discussed in connection with soil moni-toring: methodological problems, used laboratory analyses, possibilities for intensification of soil monitoring and discovered shortcomings in fulfilling of monitoring programme. The most developed direction of Estonian soil monitoring is the monitoring of soils' pollution (contamination) and degradation. Starting from the need of revision and improvement of state soil monitoring programme it is recommended to start monitoring (1) of the processes proceeded in the humus covers (pro humus forms) of natural soils and (2) of the soil type-specific biological diversity of key (or model) soils. It is emphasised the urgent need of realizing such essential tasks as (1) to arrange the integration of newly received monitoring results into the existing soil databases, (2) to do the critical review of published works on soil monitoring with compiling their systematic reference list, and (3) to compile the registers about soil monitoring areas location and about key soil species.
Saabunud / Received 27.03.18 ; Aktsepteeritud / Accepted 18.06.18 ; Avaldatud veebis / Published online 20.06.18 Vastutav autor / Corresponding author: Raimo Kõlli e-mail: raimo.kolli@emu.ee
Saabunud / Received 27.03.18 ; Aktsepteeritud / Accepted 18.06.18 ; Avaldatud veebis / Published online 20.06.18 Vastutav autor / Corresponding author: Raimo Kõlli e-mail: raimo.kolli@emu.ee
soil species and variety, humus cover type, transect method, soil monitoring, soil mapping unit, articles