Maakorralduse probleemid avalikes huvides maade omandamisel
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Avalikes huvides maade omandamise vajadus on igas ühiskonnas. Jätkusuutliku arendustegevuse printsiibi tagamiseks on oluline, et avalikust huvist lähtuvad protsessid kulgeksid osapooltele võimalikult sujuvalt.
Käesoleva töö eesmärk oli välja tuua valik maakorraldusega seotud probleeme, mis kaasnevad avalikes huvides maade omandamisega. Uuringus on valitud neli probleemi, mida analüüsitakse kaasuste näitel. Analüüs käsitleb protsesside esinevate aspektide tekkepõhjuseid ning võimalikke lahendusi. Kaasuste analüüsi juures on läbi viidud ruumianalüüs ning dokumendianalüüs, toomaks välja protsesside tausta ning probleemide tekkepõhjuseid.
Töö tulemusena leiti järgnev: 1) tükeldumise ning avalikust huvist rohkem omandamise juures on oluline roll omandamise menetleja kaalutlusel; 2) joonobjekti projekteerimise juures ei tuvastatud otsest seost maakorraldusnõuetega arvestamise osas ning maaomaniku kaasamise võimalust on regulatsioonides vähendatud; 3) protsessides esineb kohti, mida saab parandada ning suuremahuliste taristuobjektide kavandamine avaldab mõju kohalikule õigusruumile.
Uurimistöö tulemusi on võimalik edaspidi kasutada teiste uurimistööde koostamisel ning samuti on võimalik töös esitatud probleemide edasine täiendav analüüs.
Land acquisition is present in every society. Therefore, in the aim of keeping the sustainable development principle, it is neccecary to have smooth processes in compulsory purchase practices for all parties. The aim of this thesis was to determine a selection of land consolidation related problems in land acquisiton. There were four problems selected in which each problem was illustrated with a specific case. The method used in this thesis is based on spatial- and legislative analysis. The goal was to bring out the legislative background and coplications of the processes. This research indicated the following: 1) the acquisitor has an important role of making consideration decisions in land fragmentation; 2) there was no direct relation detected between road designing and land consolidation requirements; 3) compulsory purchase processes contain issues that can be improved and large infrastructure projects generate an influence on local legislation. The results of this thesis can be used for future researches and land consolidation matters, that were examined in this thesis can be also be researched onward.
Land acquisition is present in every society. Therefore, in the aim of keeping the sustainable development principle, it is neccecary to have smooth processes in compulsory purchase practices for all parties. The aim of this thesis was to determine a selection of land consolidation related problems in land acquisiton. There were four problems selected in which each problem was illustrated with a specific case. The method used in this thesis is based on spatial- and legislative analysis. The goal was to bring out the legislative background and coplications of the processes. This research indicated the following: 1) the acquisitor has an important role of making consideration decisions in land fragmentation; 2) there was no direct relation detected between road designing and land consolidation requirements; 3) compulsory purchase processes contain issues that can be improved and large infrastructure projects generate an influence on local legislation. The results of this thesis can be used for future researches and land consolidation matters, that were examined in this thesis can be also be researched onward.
Geodeesia, kinnisvara- ja maakorralduse õppekaval
magistritööd, Rail Baltica, tee projekteerimine, sundvõõrandamine