Eesti Maaülikooli teadlastelt ühiskonnale 2023
Kättesaadav alates
Kajak, Ingrid (koostaja)
Keedus, Merle (koostaja)
Laupa, Kersti (koostaja)
Seppet, Li (koostaja)
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Eesti Maaülikool
Teaduse populariseerimine ja ühiskonnale olulistel teemadel kaasa rääkimine on muutunud teadlaseks olemise lahutamatuks osaks. Toetades teadustulemuste selget ja arusaadavat edastamist, aitame kujundada inimeste maailmapilti. Väga tähtis on sealjuures suurendada teadustöö sisu ja eesmärkide mõistmist ning tagada, et teaduspõhine info oleks kergesti kättesaadav ja kasutajasõbralik.
Sellesse kogumikku oleme kokku pannud maaülikooli teadlaste kirjutised, mis tulenevad maaülikooli missioonist ja aitavad edendada biomajandust ning toetavad nii inimeste kui ka looduse heaolu.
Viitekogumikku säilitame ning teeme kättesaadavaks võrguväljaandena Eesti Maaülikooli digitaalarhiivis EMU DSpace. Viited oleme vormistatud APA viitamissüsteemis ja neile oleme võimalusel lisanud püsilingi.
Viitekogumiku ülesehituses tuginesime ETISe publikatsioonide klassifikatsiooni alajaotustele (haridus- ja teadusministri käskkiri nr 640 28. juulil 2006, täiendatud 2017).
The popularization of science and engaging in discussions on topics important to society have become an integral part of being a scientist. By supporting the clear and understandable communication of scientific results, we help shape people's worldview. It is very important to enhance the understanding of the content and objectives of scientific work and to ensure that science-based information is easily accessible and user-friendly. In this collection, we have compiled writings from researchers at the Estonian University of Life Sciences, which stem from the university's mission and help promote the bioeconomy, supporting both human and environmental well-being. We will preserve the reference collection and make it available as an online publication in the digital archive of the Estonian University of Life Sciences, EMU DSpace. The references have been formatted according to the APA citation system, and we have included permanent links where possible. In the structure of the reference collection, we relied on the subcategories of the ETIS publication classification (Order No. 640 of the Minister of Education and Research dated July 28, 2006, amended in 2017).
The popularization of science and engaging in discussions on topics important to society have become an integral part of being a scientist. By supporting the clear and understandable communication of scientific results, we help shape people's worldview. It is very important to enhance the understanding of the content and objectives of scientific work and to ensure that science-based information is easily accessible and user-friendly. In this collection, we have compiled writings from researchers at the Estonian University of Life Sciences, which stem from the university's mission and help promote the bioeconomy, supporting both human and environmental well-being. We will preserve the reference collection and make it available as an online publication in the digital archive of the Estonian University of Life Sciences, EMU DSpace. The references have been formatted according to the APA citation system, and we have included permanent links where possible. In the structure of the reference collection, we relied on the subcategories of the ETIS publication classification (Order No. 640 of the Minister of Education and Research dated July 28, 2006, amended in 2017).
Eesti Maaülikool, bibliograafiad