Feed efficiency indicators and hormones related to nutrient metabolism in intensive fattened lambs of sire rams of different sheep breeds in Latvia
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Ajakirja pealkiri
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Köite pealkiri
Estonian University of Life Sciences
The feed efficiency increase of each sheep indicates its profitability. Production costs
and the environmental impact of animal husbandry are reduced as feed efficiency improves. The
gastrointestinal tract is a source of hormones and is important in regulating feed intake and
nutrient utilization. The study analyses the relationship between feed efficiency indicators and
hormone levels in Latvian sheep breeds. After control fattening, blood samples were taken from
76 lambs, representatives of six Latvian breeds, for seven hormonal analyzes and seven feed
efficiency indicators. Feed efficiency, Feed conversion ratio (FCR), Relative growth rate, Kleiber
ratio (KR), Residual feed intake (RFI), Residual weight gain, and Residual intake were calculated
from daily weight gain and amount of dry matter. Interbreed differences and relationships
between indicators/hormones were identified. The best scores of feed efficiency were found for
the lamb rams of the Dorper breed; the Latvian black-head was the second according to these
indicators. The mean FRC for lambs was determined to be 5.13 ± 0.13 kg with a range of
2.98–10.15 kg; the mean KR was 18.11 ± 0.39 with a range of 8.78–26.88; the mean RFI was in
the range of -0.51 to 0.42 kg. A statistically significant difference was found between the breeds
for all feed efficiency indicators. Biochemical parameters (IGF-1, insulin, and glucose) were
found to be in correlation with feed efficiency indicators. Our results show that Latvian sheep
breeds differ in fattening performance. To improve breeds without crossing them, subsequent
genetic analysis of breed differences is necessary.
Received: January 30th, 2023 ; Accepted: April 27th, 2023 ; Published: April 29th, 2023 ; Correspondence: ilva.trapina@lu.lv
breeding, fattening, feed efficiency, hormones, Latvian sheep, articles