AS A. Le Coq portsjonpakkide liini investeeringu monitooring
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Suletud / Closed, Korraldus nr. 6-1.PK/125
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Eesti Maaülikool
Tootmisettevõtted vajavad uusi investeeringuid turupositsiooni tugevdamiseks, turunõudlusele vastamiseks ja efektiivsuse tõstmiseks. Investeeringuprojekti monitooring on vajalik, et hinnata kuidas projekt on täitnud planeeritud eesmärke. Bakalaureusetöö eesmärk on selgitada välja AS A. Le Coq portsjonpakendite liini investeeringuprojekti tegelikud tulemused võrrelduna kavandatud tulemustega. Töös kasutatud andmed pärinevad ettevõtte müügiaruandlusest, siseandmebaasidest ja -dokumentatsioonist. Analüüsiks kasutatakse ettevõtte finantsteavet, prognoositud ja tegelikke müügimahtusid, kulu- ja hinnastruktuuri andmeid. Analüüsi tegemiseks on autor tutvunud Olvi Grupi poolt loodud investeeringumudeliga ja võrrelnud tulemusi tegelike andmetega ja nende põhjal on välja arvutatud projekti tasuvusaeg, nüüdispuhasväärtus ning sisemine rentaablus. Analüüsi tulemusena selgus, et rakendatud investeeringuprojekt on olnud tasuv ja tänaseks esialgsed investeerimiskulud tagasi teeninud. Otsus valida just selliste omadustega tootmisliin, on olnud õigustatud. Järeldusena on autor välja toonud, et projekti monitooringut, selle erinevate etappidega, tuleks olenevalt projekti edust teha iga-aastaselt, et vajadusel viia muudatusi sisse õigel ajal.
Production enterprises need new investments for improving market position, answering market demand and rising efficiency. It is necessary to monitor the investment project in order to evaluate how the planned objectives are met. The purpose of the Bachelor’s thesis is to identify the actual results of AS A. Le Coq’s portion packaging line investment project compared to planned results. The data used in the thesis are taken from sales reports, internal databases and internal documentation. Enterprise’s financial data, prognosed and real sale volumes, revenue and pricing structure data have been used for analysis. In order to create the analysis, the author investigated Olvi Group’s investment model and compared the results with actual data. According to these results the investment project’s revenue time, net present value and inner rentability have been calculated. According to the analysis the investment project has been beneficial and the investment costs have been earned back by today. The decision of choosing this kind of production line has been justified. In conclusion the author has mentioned that according to the project's success the project monitoring with its different stages should be conducted yearly in order to implement changes if necessary at the right moment in time.
Production enterprises need new investments for improving market position, answering market demand and rising efficiency. It is necessary to monitor the investment project in order to evaluate how the planned objectives are met. The purpose of the Bachelor’s thesis is to identify the actual results of AS A. Le Coq’s portion packaging line investment project compared to planned results. The data used in the thesis are taken from sales reports, internal databases and internal documentation. Enterprise’s financial data, prognosed and real sale volumes, revenue and pricing structure data have been used for analysis. In order to create the analysis, the author investigated Olvi Group’s investment model and compared the results with actual data. According to these results the investment project’s revenue time, net present value and inner rentability have been calculated. According to the analysis the investment project has been beneficial and the investment costs have been earned back by today. The decision of choosing this kind of production line has been justified. In conclusion the author has mentioned that according to the project's success the project monitoring with its different stages should be conducted yearly in order to implement changes if necessary at the right moment in time.
Maamajandusliku ettevõtluse ja finantsjuhtimise õppekaval
bakalaureusetööd, investeeringu tasuvusanalüüs, investeeringu monitooring, investeerimisotsused