TÜ Alvar MÜ kuivatikompleksi investeeringu tasuvusanalüüs
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Antud töös uuriti, milline kuivatikompleks on sobivaim TÜ Alvar MÜ-le. Analüüsi aluseks oli teenustöö hind teravilja kuivatamisel 25%-lt 13%-ni ja rapsi puhul 20%-lt 8%-ni. Esialgsed andmed saadi TÜ Alvar MÜ-lt, et leida teenustöö hinnad ja teostada tasuvusanalüüs. Töös eesmärk sai täidetud ning leiti parim kompleks vastavalt tasuvusanalüüsile.
Käesoleva bakalaureusetöö peamised järeldused:
1) Kõige tootlikum teravilja ja rapsi kuivati kujunes Antti Baltic OÜ-l, sest tehase tootlikus oli pakkumises 26 t/h, kuigi hinnapakkumise nõue oli 24 t/h.
2) Eelistatuimaks teravilja transportimise seadmete puhul on Antti Baltic OÜ, kuna suurema tootlikkusega koppelevaatorid vigastavad teravilja vähem.
3) Punkrite mahutavusest lähtudes võib öelda, et Antti Baltic OÜ punkrid 0,05 eurot/t soodsamad Starfeld OÜ pakkumisest.
4) Teenuse hind kujuneks 30%-lise kasumi puhul teravilja kuivatamisel 25%-lt 13%-ni kõige odavamaks Antti Baltic OÜ pakkumise puhul, hinnaks 20,75 €/t ja rapsi kuivatamisel 20%-lt 8%-ni 25,18 €/t. Kõigil kolmel võrreldaval pakkumisel jäid teravilja kuivatusteenuse hinnad võrreldes 2011. aastaga madalamale kui turul pakutatavad. Rapsi kuivatusteenuse hinnad püsib konkurentsivõimeline ka tulevikus.
5) Kõige lühema tasuvusajaga on Antti Baltic OÜ kompleks, milleks oleks 3,24 aastat.
6) Parim praegune puhasväärtus (NPV) on samuti Antti Baltic OÜ kompleksil, milleks on 914 383€.
7) Kasumiindeks (PI) näitab kõige suuremat tootlikust Antti Baltic OÜ kompleksi kohta, milleks on 3,63.
8) Sisemine tasuvuslävi (IRR) kujunes Antti Baltic OÜ-l kõige suuremaks, mis on 45%, kuigi ettevõtte kasumi soov investeeringult oli 15%.
9) Modifitseeritud sisemine tasuvuslävi (MIRR) kujunes 20% kahel kompleksil, milleks olid Starfeldi pakkumine ja Antti Baltic OÜ pakkumine.
Saadud tulemuste järgi soovitab töö autor TÜ ALVAR MÜ-l vastu võtta Antti Balticu poolt pakutav kompleks, sest tasuvusnäitajad olid konkurentide omadest paremad.
For year 2012 TÜ ALVAR MÜ has planned to extend business by running a new grain dryer complex. The reason for this is the increase in demand for grain, legume and rapeseed drying service during recent years. At the moment the drying capacity is 6 thousand tonnes a year. The aim of this thesis was to find out which of the price offers of the three grain dryer complexes have the most suitable profitability ratios for TÜ ALVAR MÜ. To achieve the goal, the following tasks were set up: to identify the profitability indicators of investments; to give an overview of the enterprise; to gather price offers of three grain dryer complexes and compare them; to analyse the factors of the production cost of the service; to calculate the production cost of the grain drying service according to the moisture content of the grain; based on the analysis, to choose the best grain dryer complex. The theoretical part of the thesis explains the importance of the profitability indicators and the price development of the service. The formulas and principles of finding these particular indicators are described. The technological characteristics of a grain dryer are brought out. The empirical part describes the methods used in the research. It also gives an overview of the enterprise and describes the profitability analysis, the price development of the service and the results. To achieve the results, the profitability indicators were used: discounted payback period, NPV; PI, IRR and MIRR. The production cost of grain drying was calculated. As a result, the most suitable and profitable was Antti Baltic OÜ grain dryer complex. In this case the price of drying grain from the moisture content of 25% to 13k is 20,75€/t and drying rapeseed from the moisture content of 20% to 8% costs 25,19€/t.
For year 2012 TÜ ALVAR MÜ has planned to extend business by running a new grain dryer complex. The reason for this is the increase in demand for grain, legume and rapeseed drying service during recent years. At the moment the drying capacity is 6 thousand tonnes a year. The aim of this thesis was to find out which of the price offers of the three grain dryer complexes have the most suitable profitability ratios for TÜ ALVAR MÜ. To achieve the goal, the following tasks were set up: to identify the profitability indicators of investments; to give an overview of the enterprise; to gather price offers of three grain dryer complexes and compare them; to analyse the factors of the production cost of the service; to calculate the production cost of the grain drying service according to the moisture content of the grain; based on the analysis, to choose the best grain dryer complex. The theoretical part of the thesis explains the importance of the profitability indicators and the price development of the service. The formulas and principles of finding these particular indicators are described. The technological characteristics of a grain dryer are brought out. The empirical part describes the methods used in the research. It also gives an overview of the enterprise and describes the profitability analysis, the price development of the service and the results. To achieve the results, the profitability indicators were used: discounted payback period, NPV; PI, IRR and MIRR. The production cost of grain drying was calculated. As a result, the most suitable and profitable was Antti Baltic OÜ grain dryer complex. In this case the price of drying grain from the moisture content of 25% to 13k is 20,75€/t and drying rapeseed from the moisture content of 20% to 8% costs 25,19€/t.
tasuvusanalüüs, kuivatikompleks, investeeringud, bakalaureusetööd