Maakasutuse koondumise hindamise keerukusest omavahel seotud ettevõtete tingimustes
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Eesti Maaülikool
Põllumajandusliku maa koondumine on tänases ühiskonnas kujunemas üha suuremaks
probleemiks. Selle probleemi üheks aspektiks on koondumise ulatuse määramine. Eesti
maakasutuse koondumist on üldisemalt ning üksikutel põllumajandustootjatel põhinedes
varasemalt uuritud bakalaureuse- ja magistritöödes. Antud töö eesmärk on kirjeldada
maakasutuse koondumise hindamise keerukust omavahel seotud ettevõtete tingimustes.
Töös on kasutatud Põllumajanduse Registrite ja Infosüsteemide Ameti andmeid, mille
põhjal on uuritud üksikute isikute maakasutust. Samas ei ole võimalik antud andmete
põhjal hinnata kui suurt kontrolli omavad maakasutuse üle omavahel seotud ettevõtted.
Ettevõtete vaheliste seoste uurimiseks on töö käigus tehtud vajalikud väljavõtted e-
äriregistrist. Antud magistritöö koostamisel on kasutatud juhtumiuuringu meetodit selleks,
et kirjeldada ettevõtete vahelisi seoseid ja lisaks on läbi töötatud erinevaid artikleid,
raamatuid, dokumente ning teisi allikaid.
Töö tulemuste põhjal võib öelda, et ettevõtete vahelised seosed võivad olla väga
keerulised. Koostatud skeemide hulgas on lihtsamaid, nagu ühest ettevõttest koosnevaid,
kuid ka keerukaid süsteeme. Sellest tulenevalt ei ole võimalik lihtsate ja kiiresti
teostatavate päringute alusel hinnata seotud ettevõtete maakasutuse koondumist.
See teema on oluline ja vajab edasipidist käsitlemist. Esmalt oleks vaja välja selgitada,
miks taolised keerulised ettevõtete süsteemid tekivad. Tuleks analüüsida valdkonda
puudutavaid regulatsioone ning leida võimalused muudatuste tegemiseks selliselt, et
vältida keeruliste ettevõtete vaheliste süsteemide tekkimist ning muuta olemasolevad
läbipaistvamaks. Arendamist vajab metoodika, mis võimaldaks määrata maakasutuse
koondumist omavahel seotud ettevõtete tingimustes.
The concentration of agricultural land is becoming a more significant problem in current society. One aspect of this problem is determining the extent of the concentration. Generally, Estonian land use concentration has been researched based on individual agricultural producers in bachelor’s and master’s thesis. The objective of this thesis is to describe the complexities of evaluating land use concentration regarding closely related companies. Firstly, to achieve the objective of this thesis, Estonian Agricultural Registers and Information Board (ARIB) data were analysed to determine land use among individuals. However, based on this data, it is not possible to evaluate how much control do connected companies, and actual beneficiaries have over land use. The necessary extract from eBusiness Register where needed to study the connections between companies. This master thesis has been compiled using a case study method to describe the relationship between companies and, besides, various articles, books, documents, and other sources have been used. Based on the results, it can be said that the relationships between companies can be very complicated. Schemes based on extracts included simple systems containing one company, as well as more complicated ones. As a result, it is not possible to estimate the land use concentration on the basis of simple and easy inquiry. This topic is significant and therefore needs to be researched further. Firstly, it is necessary to analyse why these complex systems can form. It is also necessary to analyse regulations in this field and find opportunities for changes to be made to avoid forming complex systems between companies and to make existing ones more transparent. Finally, it is necessary to develop a methodology that would let to determine the extent of land use concentration concerning connections in-between companies.
The concentration of agricultural land is becoming a more significant problem in current society. One aspect of this problem is determining the extent of the concentration. Generally, Estonian land use concentration has been researched based on individual agricultural producers in bachelor’s and master’s thesis. The objective of this thesis is to describe the complexities of evaluating land use concentration regarding closely related companies. Firstly, to achieve the objective of this thesis, Estonian Agricultural Registers and Information Board (ARIB) data were analysed to determine land use among individuals. However, based on this data, it is not possible to evaluate how much control do connected companies, and actual beneficiaries have over land use. The necessary extract from eBusiness Register where needed to study the connections between companies. This master thesis has been compiled using a case study method to describe the relationship between companies and, besides, various articles, books, documents, and other sources have been used. Based on the results, it can be said that the relationships between companies can be very complicated. Schemes based on extracts included simple systems containing one company, as well as more complicated ones. As a result, it is not possible to estimate the land use concentration on the basis of simple and easy inquiry. This topic is significant and therefore needs to be researched further. Firstly, it is necessary to analyse why these complex systems can form. It is also necessary to analyse regulations in this field and find opportunities for changes to be made to avoid forming complex systems between companies and to make existing ones more transparent. Finally, it is necessary to develop a methodology that would let to determine the extent of land use concentration concerning connections in-between companies.
Maakorralduse ja kinnisvara planeerimise õppekaval
magistritööd, maakasutus, põllumajandusettevõtted