John Deere metsalangetusmasina jõudluse parendamise analüüs TimberLinkTM tarkvara abil
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Kitsing, Dimitri
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Käesolevas bakalaureusetöös on tutvustatud John Deere metsamasinates kasutuses
olevat uuenduslikku tarkvara TimberLinkTM ning analüüsitud põhjalikumalt metsalangetusmasina
tootlikkuse tõstmise võimalusi ja tehtud katse tulemusi selle programmi
Metsatehnika jõudluse tõstmine optimaalsele tasemel ning selle võimalikult efektiivne
kasutamine on aluseks edukale metsaülestöötamisettevõttele. Sellest tulenevalt
üritatakse uurimustöös välja selgitada, kas ja kuidas mõjutab TimberLinkTM programmi
võimaluste sihipärane kasutamine masinaomaniku, operaatori ja hoolduspersonali poolt
harvesteri tootlikkust.
Töös on analüüsi aluseks Eestis töötav uuendusraie harvester John Deere 1270E, millelt
on kogutud elektroonilised andmed. Eelnevalt on TimberLinkTM näitajatest juhindudes
masinale spetsiaalselt efektiivsuse tõstmise eesmärgil tehtud tehniline häälestus, mille
tulemuslikkust hinnatakse peale mõningast masinatööd samas programmis.
Uudse TimberLinkTM-i kasutus laiemalt on hetkel veel harv ja see on esimene
analoogne uurimus Eestis. Samuti ei leidu ametlikke avaldatud uuringuid ka teistest
maadest, mistõttu ei olnud võimalik lõpptulemusi teistega võrrelda.
Uurimuse lõpuks jõutakse järeldusele, et TimberLinkTM on õige kasutuse korral tõhus
abiprogramm jälgimaks ja parandamaks metsamasina jõudlust kõigis tööetappides.
Parima tulemuse saavutamiseks on vajalik õigeaegne reageerimine ohumärkidele ning
masina asjatundlik häälestus vastavalt tööoludele ja operaatori oskustele.
In this bachelor s thesis innovative software TimberLinkTM used in John Deere forest machines will be described followed by in-depth analysis of possibilities to raise harvester productivity and analysis of machine tuning results. To achieve forest machine s optimal productivity level and to be able to utilise this condition efficiently is the basis for successful forest contractor. Hence this study tries to find out, if and how targeted use of TimberLinkTM s possibilities by machine owner, machine operator and maintenance staff affects harvester s productivity. For research and analysis electronical data from harvester John Deere 1270E working in Estonia was collected. Previously after quick analysis of TimberLinkTM data special technical fine tuning was made to this machine with purpose to achieve better efficiency. This possible efficiency change was evaluated later in TimberLinkTM after some working time with new settings. Wider use of innovative TimberLinkTM software is not so common at the moment and this research is first in this subject in Estonia. No official public researches also from other countries were found, so no comparision with other outcome was possible. By the end of research author makes conclusion that with correct use TimberLinkTM can be useful tool to follow and imporve forest machine s efficiency in all work phases. To achieve best results competent reaction to danger signs and professional tuning considering working conditions and operator skills must be regular practice.
In this bachelor s thesis innovative software TimberLinkTM used in John Deere forest machines will be described followed by in-depth analysis of possibilities to raise harvester productivity and analysis of machine tuning results. To achieve forest machine s optimal productivity level and to be able to utilise this condition efficiently is the basis for successful forest contractor. Hence this study tries to find out, if and how targeted use of TimberLinkTM s possibilities by machine owner, machine operator and maintenance staff affects harvester s productivity. For research and analysis electronical data from harvester John Deere 1270E working in Estonia was collected. Previously after quick analysis of TimberLinkTM data special technical fine tuning was made to this machine with purpose to achieve better efficiency. This possible efficiency change was evaluated later in TimberLinkTM after some working time with new settings. Wider use of innovative TimberLinkTM software is not so common at the moment and this research is first in this subject in Estonia. No official public researches also from other countries were found, so no comparision with other outcome was possible. By the end of research author makes conclusion that with correct use TimberLinkTM can be useful tool to follow and imporve forest machine s efficiency in all work phases. To achieve best results competent reaction to danger signs and professional tuning considering working conditions and operator skills must be regular practice.
TimberLink, John Deere 1270E, harvester, tootlus, kütusekulu, bakalaureusetööd