Eestis levinud viinapuu (vitis) haigused ja kahjurid
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Eesti Maaülikool
Viinapuud on koduaedades tuntud ja levinud aiakultuur, kuid tootmises uus
aiandusvaldkond. 2016. aastal asutati Viinamatjakasvatajate ja Veinivalmistajate Liit,
mille eesmärgiks on ühistegevuse abil liita Eesti tootjaid. Seoses istandike pinna
suurenemisega on probleeme tekkinud erinevate taimede kahjustajatega. Käesoleva töö
eesmärgiks on välja selgitada ja kirjeldada Eestis enam levinud viinapuu haiguseid ja
kahjureid avamaal ning nende tõrje võimalusi. Hüpoteesiks oli, et viinapuu sordid on
erineva haiguskindlusega ja välja on töötatud tõrjemeetodid. Eestis on aga
viinamarjakasvatus tootmisistandikes uus kultuur ja seetõttu ei ole veel piisavalt kogemusi
hübriidsortide haigus- ja kahjurikindlusest ning tõrjevõimalustest. Töö on
koostatudseniste uuringute põhjal. Eesti tootjate istandikes on täheldatud järgnevaid
haigused: viinapuu-ebajahukaste, viinapuu-jahukaste, viinapuu baktervähk, viinapuu lehe
pahklest. Kahjustajateks on ka herilased, linnud, hiired, rebased. Ohtlikumateks haigusteks
viinapuule osutusid jahukaste ja ebajahukaste, need nõrgestavad taimi ja võivad
kahjustada oluliselt saaki. Viinapuu- ebajahukaste ja -jahukaste tõrjeks on võimalik
kasutada fungitsiide, aga enne preparaatidega töötlemist on soovituslik kasutada haigust
ennetavaid võtteid. Töös on koostatud viljeluskava, kus on toodud haigusi ennetavad
võtted ja tõrje kemikaalidega. Uurimistööga on võimalik edasi minna ja uurida täpsemalt
haiguste levikut Eesti erinevates tootmisistandikes.
Grapevines are well-known and widespread culture in private gardens, whereas in production it is a new speciality. In 2016, the Union of Estonian Winegrowers and Winemakers was created. The purpose of the union is to connect Estonian producers. In connection with the enlargement of plantation areas, different pests have posed a problem. The purpose of this research is to determine and describe the most prevalent grapevine diseases and pests in an open field and the possibilities for their control. The hypothesis of the research paper was that different species of grapevine are of different resistance levels to diseases and that pest control possibilities have been worked out. In Estonia viticulture is quite a new culture and therefore, there is not enough experience in hybrid species’ disease and pest resistance as well as possibilities of pest control. The following diseases have been detected in the plantations of Estonian producers: downy mildew, powdery mildew, grape crown gall, grape lead blister mite. Among the pests there are also wasps, birds, mice and foxes. The most dangerous turned out to be downy mildew and powdery mildew - these weaken the plants and can seriously affect the harvest. To control downy mildew and powdery mildew, it is possible to use fungicide. However, it is recommended to use preventative measures before using any substances. In this research drawing up the cultivation plan where disease-preventing measures and chemical control are included according to vine growth phase. Further research could be done on the topic of the spread of diseases in different vineyards in Estonia.
Grapevines are well-known and widespread culture in private gardens, whereas in production it is a new speciality. In 2016, the Union of Estonian Winegrowers and Winemakers was created. The purpose of the union is to connect Estonian producers. In connection with the enlargement of plantation areas, different pests have posed a problem. The purpose of this research is to determine and describe the most prevalent grapevine diseases and pests in an open field and the possibilities for their control. The hypothesis of the research paper was that different species of grapevine are of different resistance levels to diseases and that pest control possibilities have been worked out. In Estonia viticulture is quite a new culture and therefore, there is not enough experience in hybrid species’ disease and pest resistance as well as possibilities of pest control. The following diseases have been detected in the plantations of Estonian producers: downy mildew, powdery mildew, grape crown gall, grape lead blister mite. Among the pests there are also wasps, birds, mice and foxes. The most dangerous turned out to be downy mildew and powdery mildew - these weaken the plants and can seriously affect the harvest. To control downy mildew and powdery mildew, it is possible to use fungicide. However, it is recommended to use preventative measures before using any substances. In this research drawing up the cultivation plan where disease-preventing measures and chemical control are included according to vine growth phase. Further research could be done on the topic of the spread of diseases in different vineyards in Estonia.
Aianduse õppekaval
bakalaureusetööd, viinapuu, viinamari, kahjurid, haigused