Ujuvkehade stabiilsuse katsetamise õppestend
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Eesti Maaülikool
Tänapäeval rakendatakse õpetamises erinevaid praktilisi ülesandeid, et õpetatavaid
motiveerida ning läbi eluliste katsete selgitada teooriat, mis muidu võib olla raskesti
arusaadav. Õppestendidel on oluline roll praktilise õppe läbiviimiseks. Käesoleva lõputöö
eesmärk on luua ujuvkehade stabiilsuse katsetamise õppestend. Antud stend on vajalik
hüdraulika aluste õppetöö edendamiseks Eesti Maaülikooli pneumaatika ja hüdraulika
laboris. Stendi väljatöötamisel uuriti olemasolevaid lahendusi, mida modifitseeriti vastavalt
vajadusele. Raalprojekteerimiseks kasutati Autodesk Fusion 360 tarkvara. Katsestend loodi
vastavalt Eesti Maaülikooli Tehnikamaja töökoja võimekustele. Loodud stendiga saab läbi
viia läbi ujuvkehade stabiilsuse katseid. Õppe läbiviimiseks koostati laboritöö, kus tudengid
saavad õppestendilt saadud andmeid kasutada arvutuslikeks ülesanneteks.
Nowadays, various practical tasks are applied in teaching in order to motivate the students and teach theoretical science through real-life experiments, which otherwise can be difficult to understand. Teaching benches play an important role in conducting practical learning. The purpose of this thesis is to create a teaching bench for testing the stability of floating bodies. This bench is necessary for studying the basics of hydraulics in Estonian University of Life Sciences pneumatics and hydraulics laboratory. During the development of the teaching bench, existing solutions were studied, which were modified as needed. Autodesk Fusion 360 software was used for designing the bench. The test bench was created according to the capabilities of the laboratory of Technical Institution. Created bench can be used to carry out stability tests of floating bodies. The study is organized by prepared laboratory work, where students can use the data obtained from the floatation tests to perform calculation tasks.
Nowadays, various practical tasks are applied in teaching in order to motivate the students and teach theoretical science through real-life experiments, which otherwise can be difficult to understand. Teaching benches play an important role in conducting practical learning. The purpose of this thesis is to create a teaching bench for testing the stability of floating bodies. This bench is necessary for studying the basics of hydraulics in Estonian University of Life Sciences pneumatics and hydraulics laboratory. During the development of the teaching bench, existing solutions were studied, which were modified as needed. Autodesk Fusion 360 software was used for designing the bench. The test bench was created according to the capabilities of the laboratory of Technical Institution. Created bench can be used to carry out stability tests of floating bodies. The study is organized by prepared laboratory work, where students can use the data obtained from the floatation tests to perform calculation tasks.
Rakenduskõrgharidusõppe lõputöö
Tehnotroonika õppekaval
lõputööd, katsestend, hüdraulika, hüdrostaatika, laboritöö