3D printimine termoplastse polüuretaaniga
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3D printimine termoplastse polüuretaaniga Ultimaker 2 3D printeril on raskendatud, kuna
Ultimakeri 3D printer on mõeldud filamentide ABS’i või PLA printimiseks, mitte
termoplastsete polüuretaanist filamentide. Termoplastne polüuretaanist filament ummistub
Ultimaker 3D printeri etteandemehhanismi ning prinditud tulemus on äärmiselt
ebakvaliteetne. Käesoleva magistritöö eesmärgiks oli termoplastse polüuretaani 3D
printimise uurimine 3D printeri Ultimaker 2 ja polüuretaani NinjaFlex näitel. Selleks
skaneeriti Ultimaker 2 originaal etteandemehhanism, kasutades laserskännerit Nikon
MCAx20/MMDx50 täpsusega 50μm. Saadud punktipilv töödeldi programmiga
SpaceClaim, millest saadud 3D mudel pöördprojekteeriti kasutades tarkvarasid AutoDesk
Fusion 360 ja SolidWorks 2013. Uue etteandemehhanismiga tehti filamendi survepinge
katseid, kus võrreldi originaali ja uue etteandemehhanismi poolt tekitatavat filamendi
survepinget ekstruuderile. Katsete käigus selgus, et uus etteandemehhanism võimaldab
filamentide ABS ja TPU 95A puhul suuremat survepinget, kui filamendi NinjaFlex puhul.
Vähendamaks filamendi ja ühendustoru siseseinte vahelist hõõrdumist, lisati filamendile
NinjaFlex määrdeainet glütserooli, mis ühtlustas filamendi liikumist ja tõstis filamendi
survepinget. Kui 3D printeri Ultimaker 2 originaal etteandemehhanismiga saavutati
filamendi survepinge ekstruuderisse 0.468 ± 0.12395% N/mm2
, pöördprojekteeritud uue
etteandemehhanismiga saavutati 0.588 ± 0.02695% N/mm2
. Printimise katsete käigus
selgitati välja optimaalsed printimise parameetrid filamendi NinjaFlex printimiseks 3D
printeril Ultimaker 2. Prinditud katsekehade välisseinte kvaliteet oli hea ning katsekehade
pealmine kiht oli sile.
The feeder design of 3D printer Ultimaker 2 which uses fused filament fabrication technology for printing is not ideal for printing thermoplastic polyurethane due the great elasticity of filament. The aim of this study is to reverse engineer and upgrade the original Ultimaker 2 3D printer feeder for printing thermoplastic polyurethane. In order to do that, the original Ultimaker 2 feeder had to be scanned by using a laser scanner Nikon MCAx20/MMDx50 with an accuracy of 50μm. After scanning the measuring points of feeder parts, the received data was then converted into mesh data. Mesh data was later converted into a 3D model using different 3D modelling software, such as SpaceClaim, AutoDesk Fusion 360 and SolidWorks 2013 to remodel the feeder system. After 3D printing of the reverse engineered feeder system, the compressive stress tests were conducted in order to compare the compressive stress differences on to the extruder between the original and the reverse engineered feeding system. After the alternations the new feeder parts were printed out with Ultimaker 2 using the material ABS. The new feeder for Ultimaker 2 works normally without problems. Also the filament did not jam in the feeder during tests. Test results conclude that the upgraded feeder allows pushing the filament made of thermoplastic polyurethane with greater and even force compared to the original feeder when the filament was covered with glycerol. Filament NinjaFlex covered with glycerol and with original feeder had compressive stress 0.468 ± 0.12395% , with the new feeder, the compressive stress increased to 0.588 ± 0.02695% N/mm2 . This provides stable material flow from extruder and better quality of printing. The tests done in this study conclude that optimal printing parameters were found. The printed object had quite a good quality, walls did not have any openings and the surface was smooth.
The feeder design of 3D printer Ultimaker 2 which uses fused filament fabrication technology for printing is not ideal for printing thermoplastic polyurethane due the great elasticity of filament. The aim of this study is to reverse engineer and upgrade the original Ultimaker 2 3D printer feeder for printing thermoplastic polyurethane. In order to do that, the original Ultimaker 2 feeder had to be scanned by using a laser scanner Nikon MCAx20/MMDx50 with an accuracy of 50μm. After scanning the measuring points of feeder parts, the received data was then converted into mesh data. Mesh data was later converted into a 3D model using different 3D modelling software, such as SpaceClaim, AutoDesk Fusion 360 and SolidWorks 2013 to remodel the feeder system. After 3D printing of the reverse engineered feeder system, the compressive stress tests were conducted in order to compare the compressive stress differences on to the extruder between the original and the reverse engineered feeding system. After the alternations the new feeder parts were printed out with Ultimaker 2 using the material ABS. The new feeder for Ultimaker 2 works normally without problems. Also the filament did not jam in the feeder during tests. Test results conclude that the upgraded feeder allows pushing the filament made of thermoplastic polyurethane with greater and even force compared to the original feeder when the filament was covered with glycerol. Filament NinjaFlex covered with glycerol and with original feeder had compressive stress 0.468 ± 0.12395% , with the new feeder, the compressive stress increased to 0.588 ± 0.02695% N/mm2 . This provides stable material flow from extruder and better quality of printing. The tests done in this study conclude that optimal printing parameters were found. The printed object had quite a good quality, walls did not have any openings and the surface was smooth.
Tootmistehnika õppekaval
magistritööd, 3D-printimine, parameetrid, printimine