Morphological and morphometric characteristics of Cornelian Сherry (Cornus mas L.) in natural conditions of the Crimean Peninsula
Kättesaadav alates
Ajakirja pealkiri
Ajakirja ISSN
Köite pealkiri
Cornelian cherry (Cornus mas L.) is a valuable fruit and ornamental plant in the
Cornaceae family. This is a promising frost- and drought-resistant crop, undemanding to growing
conditions. Fruits and leaves of plants are rich with biologically active substances which allows
them to be used in pharmaceutical, food, liquor, and other industries. In the natural non-cultivated
communities on the Crimean Peninsula the species is represented by a wide variety of forms that
are promising for study from the point of view of botanical and breeding research. There is
practically no information in the scientific literature about the characteristics of cornelian cherry
for the most common places of its growth on the Crimean Peninsula, regarding the morphobiological features and patterns of development of cornelian cherry plants, which determines the
relevance of research. The purpose of this work was to study the intraspecific variability of
cornelian cherry plants within natural coenopopulations under varying ecological conditions in
the foothill, mountain, and South Coast of the Crimea in order to identify the most promising
forms for further breeding research. The results of a three-year study (2017 to 2019) revealed
differences in the life form of plants, in the timing of fruit maturation, in the shape and color of
the leaf and fruit, and in their metric parameters. Promising forms of plants with the largest fruits
(an average weight from 1.65 g to 1.81 g) and a low percentage of endocarp - from 10% to15%
(Form 1 - CP I, CP II, CP V, Form 2 a - CP IV) can be recommended for further breeding research.
Received: July 27th, 2020 ; Accepted: December 14th, 2020 ; Published: January 21th, 2021 ; Correspondence:
Сornus mas L., coenopopulation, leaf, fruit, metric parameters, articles