Experimental study of an improved root crop cleaner from admixtures
Kättesaadav alates
Bulgakov, V.
Ivanovs, S.
Nowak, J.
Bandura, V.
Nesvidomin, A.
Ihnatiev, Ye.
Ajakirja pealkiri
Ajakirja ISSN
Köite pealkiri
One of the ways to raise the quality of sugar beet harvesting is the use of improved
digging tools that are able to dig out root crops from the soil without any loss and considerable
damage, as well as cleaners of the heap from
admixtures. Perspective are the root crop harvesting
machines, built according to the modular principle, where, depending on the state of the beet
plantation, the composition of the cleaning tools, and the kinematic and technological modes of
their operat
ion are determined. To carry out experimental studies, experimental equipment was
made which, under laboratory and field conditions, made it possible to obtain qualitative
separation indicators of the heaps of sugar beet roots with wide variation in the ra
nge of kinematic
and design parameters of the improved cleaner. As the results of the laboratory and field
experimental studies showed, in each of the two stages of cleaning the beet heap, a sufficiently
high degree of removal of the soil admixtures and pl
ant residues is ensured. Thus, at the first,
preliminary stage of cleaning, the removal of admixtures amounted to 65.5
75.8%. After the
second, basic stage of cleaning, the transported heap contained no more than 1.9% of admixtures.
The results of the
laboratory and field tests indicate that the proposed design of an improved sugar
beet root cleaner from admixtures is prospective.
sugar beet, harvesting, cleaning, admixtures, articles