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Comparison between different types of bedding materials for horses




Kättesaadav alates

Ajakirja pealkiri

Ajakirja ISSN

Köite pealkiri



The sports horse lives a large part of the time inside the pen in constant contact with the bedding. Therefore the bedding material can deeply affect the welfare and health of horses kept in pens. The materials have to ensure the realization of a double aim: to create a comforta ble and soft surface on which the animal can stand and relax; to give appropriate hygienic and sanitary conditions. Other important factors influence the choice, such as: the material must not be appetizing for the horse; the litter has to maintain a prope r level of moisture, so that the hoof is kept healthy, elastic and hydrated. Also the costs for material and litter management have to be taken into account. In the present study, different organic materials are compared: wood chips, hemp, rice, flax and c oconut. The trials took place in five box stalls, with square plan of 3 x 3 m. Environmental data were collected during the trials (air temperature and humidity, ammonia concentration, litter moisture). Management data were also collected, regarding the us e of bedding materials, working time, costs. In the paper the main results of the comparison between the different litter materials used in horses pens are presented.




horse husbandry, bedding material, housing, sanitary and hygienic conditions, articles

