Taimsete valgukontsentraatide ja starterkultuuride mõju taimse jogurti-analoogi omadustele
Kättesaadav alates
Saage, Christopher
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Eesti Maaülikool
Jogurti-analoogide tootmisel on keerukas saavutada toode, mis reoloogiliste ja sensoorsete omaduste poolest sarnaneks jogurtile. Taimsetel jookidel on madal valgusisaldus ning fermenteerimisel kasutatavad traditsioonilised jogurtibakterid ei suuda taimseid valke metaboliseerida ning tulemuseks on madala viskoossusega toode. Selle probleemi üheks lahenduseks on kasutada taimsetele maatriksitele kohandunud piimhappebakterite tüvesid, millel on kõrge eksopolüsahhariidide tootlikkus. Teine võimalus on lisada jogurti analoogile taimseid valgukontsentraate, mil on mitmeid funktsionaalseid omadusi, nagu geelistumisomadused, veesidumisvõime jne.
Bakalaureusetöö eesmärk oli selgitada, milline on kahe starterkultuuri ning kanepi- ja päevalillevalkude mõju kaerajoogist valmistatud jogurti-analoogide füüsikalis-keemilistele ja sensoorsetele omadustele. Töö tulemustest selgus, et päevalillevalku sisaldavatel jogurti-analoogidel oli statistiliselt oluliselt (p<0,05) madalam pH ja kõrgem tiitritav happesus võrreldes kanepivalku sisaldavate proovidega. Starterkultuuriga VEGE 022 (sisaldas L. plantarum) valmistatud proovid näitasid oluliselt (p<0,05) kõrgemat tiitritavat happesust kui VEGE 061 (sisaldas L. paracasei) valmistatud proovid. Kõikides proovides tuvastati piim-, äädik- ja propioonhapet. Enim esines piimhapet, mille sisaldus varieerus vahemikus 3,6-11,4 g/kg. Proovide kuivainesisaldus varieerus vahemikus 15,62-17,63%, olles kõrgem 3% valgukontsentraati sisaldavatel proovidel. Lahustunud kuivainesisaldus alanes kaerajookide fermentatsioonil statistiliselt oluliselt (p<0,05), olenemata kasutatud starterkultuurist või valgukontsentraadist. Jogurti-analoogide viskoossuses ei esinenud statistiliselt olulisi erinevusi (p>0,05) päevalillevalgu kontsentraati sisaldavate proovide vahel. Kanepivalgu sisaldusega proovide puhul ilmnes kasutatud starterkultuuride toime selge erinevus, kus viskoossus oli statistiliselt oluliselt kõrgem (p<0,05) VEGE 061 kultuuri sisaldavates proovides. Sensoorsel analüüsil hinnati kanepivalgu kontsentraati sisaldavaid proove konsistentsilt viskoossemaks ja venivamaks kui päevalillevalgu kontsentraati sisaldavaid proove.
Kokkuvõtteks näitavad käesoleva bakalaureusetöö tulemused, et valitud starterkultuuride ning kanepi- ja päevalillevalgu kontsentraadi abil on võimalik kaerajoogist valmistada taimne jogurti-analoog, mille sensoorsed ja reoloogilised omadused vajavad veel optimeerimist.
In the production of yoghurt analogues, it is challenging to achieve a product that resembles yoghurt in terms of rheological and sensory properties. Plant-based drinks have a low protein content, and traditional yoghurt bacteria used in fermentation cannot metabolize plant proteins, resulting in a product with low viscosity. One solution to this problem is to use strains of lactic acid bacteria adapted to plant matrices, which have high exopolysaccharide production. Another approach is to add plant protein concentrates to the yoghurt analogue, which have various functional properties such as gelling characteristics, water-binding capacity, etc. The aim of this bachelor's thesis was to determine the effect of two starter cultures and hemp and sunflower proteins on the physicochemical and sensory properties of yoghurt analogues made from oat drink. The results showed that yoghurt analogues containing sunflower protein had a statistically significantly (p<0.05) lower pH and higher titratable acidity compared to samples containing hemp protein. Samples made with the starter culture VEGE 022 (containing L. plantarum) showed significantly (p<0.05) higher titratable acidity than samples made with VEGE 061 (containing L. paracasei). Lactic, acetic, and propionic acids were detected in all samples, with lactic acid being the most prevalent, ranging from 3.6-11.4 g/kg. The dry matter content of the samples varied between 15.62-17.63%, being higher in samples containing 3% protein concentrate. The soluble dry matter content decreased significantly (p<0.05) during the fermentation of oat drinks, regardless of the starter culture or protein concentrate used. There were no statistically significant differences (p>0.05) in the viscosity of yoghurt analogues containing sunflower protein concentrate. In samples containing hemp protein, the effect of the starter cultures was clearly different, with viscosity being significantly higher (p<0.05) in samples containing VEGE 061 culture. Sensory analysis rated samples containing hemp protein concentrate as more viscous and stretchy in consistency compared to samples containing sunflower protein concentrate. In conclusion, the results of this bachelor's thesis indicate that it is possible to produce a plant-based yoghurt analogue from oat drink using selected starter cultures and hemp and sunflower protein concentrates, although the sensory and rheological properties still require optimization.
In the production of yoghurt analogues, it is challenging to achieve a product that resembles yoghurt in terms of rheological and sensory properties. Plant-based drinks have a low protein content, and traditional yoghurt bacteria used in fermentation cannot metabolize plant proteins, resulting in a product with low viscosity. One solution to this problem is to use strains of lactic acid bacteria adapted to plant matrices, which have high exopolysaccharide production. Another approach is to add plant protein concentrates to the yoghurt analogue, which have various functional properties such as gelling characteristics, water-binding capacity, etc. The aim of this bachelor's thesis was to determine the effect of two starter cultures and hemp and sunflower proteins on the physicochemical and sensory properties of yoghurt analogues made from oat drink. The results showed that yoghurt analogues containing sunflower protein had a statistically significantly (p<0.05) lower pH and higher titratable acidity compared to samples containing hemp protein. Samples made with the starter culture VEGE 022 (containing L. plantarum) showed significantly (p<0.05) higher titratable acidity than samples made with VEGE 061 (containing L. paracasei). Lactic, acetic, and propionic acids were detected in all samples, with lactic acid being the most prevalent, ranging from 3.6-11.4 g/kg. The dry matter content of the samples varied between 15.62-17.63%, being higher in samples containing 3% protein concentrate. The soluble dry matter content decreased significantly (p<0.05) during the fermentation of oat drinks, regardless of the starter culture or protein concentrate used. There were no statistically significant differences (p>0.05) in the viscosity of yoghurt analogues containing sunflower protein concentrate. In samples containing hemp protein, the effect of the starter cultures was clearly different, with viscosity being significantly higher (p<0.05) in samples containing VEGE 061 culture. Sensory analysis rated samples containing hemp protein concentrate as more viscous and stretchy in consistency compared to samples containing sunflower protein concentrate. In conclusion, the results of this bachelor's thesis indicate that it is possible to produce a plant-based yoghurt analogue from oat drink using selected starter cultures and hemp and sunflower protein concentrates, although the sensory and rheological properties still require optimization.
Toiduainete tehnoloogia õppekaval
bakalaureusetööd, piimhappebakterid, eksopolüsahhariidid, kanepi valgukontsentraat, päevalille valgukontsentraat, kaerajook