Alesti karjääri rekultiveerimine Raplamaal
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Virkunen, Helen
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Töö sissejuhatavas teoreetilises osas tutvustatakse lühidalt mäenduse olemust, kruusa kui
maavara tähtsust ning inimtekkeliste maastike varasemaid korrastamise meetodeid.
Järgnevalt tutvustatakse töös kasutatud metoodikat ning antakse ülevaade rekultiveeritava ala
määratlemisest, teostamistööde etappidest ning eskiisi funktsionaalsetest lahendustest.
Käesoleva bakalaureusetöö eesmärgid on:
- rekultiveerimisplaani loomine,
- milliste etappide kaupa toimub tööde teostamine,
- anda eskiisi funktsionaalne lahendus, määratleda loodusliku ja uue haljastuse alad.
Eelnevalt tuli omandada ülevaade mäenduse ajaloost, inimtekkeliste maastike erinevatest
käsitlustest ning rekultiveerimise olemusest ning tingimustest. Ülevaate saamiseks on
tutvutud erialase teemakohase kirjandusega, Eesti pealmaakaevandamisega rikutud maa
rekultiveerimise korraga, antud ala detailplaneeringuga, käidud Alesti karjääris välivaatlusel
tutvumas olemasoleva olukorraga ning tehtud fotosid. Visuaalse analüüsi, välitööde ning
fotode analüüsi põhjal on koostatud teostamise etappide järjekord ning määratletud alad, mis
jäävad loodusliku taimestusega kaetuks ning kuhu tuleb luua uue haljastusega alad.
Saadud andmete põhjal tsoneeriti ala teostamise võimalikkuse põhjal kolmeks, arvestades
tehnika kasutamise, puhkeala valmimisjärgu maaomandisuhete ning puhketegevusalade järkjärgulise
ohutusse kasutusse võimaldamise põhjal. Samuti on koostatud joonised, kuhu on
märgitud teostamise etappide järjekord ning määratletud alad, mis jäävad loodusliku
taimestusega kaetuks ning kuhu tuleb luua uue haljastusega alad.
Problem set up Herein introductive theoretical part gives a short summarize of mining history and development in Estonia, and gravel, as one of the oldest natural resource importance. Subsequently introduction of methodology and summarize specify of land-reclamated area, working steps and functional solution of sketch-plan. Purpose The main theme of this writing are: - creation of land-reclamation plan, - which are the phases of accomplish the works, - to give a function solution on sketch-plan, and specify natural and new greenery areas. Methodology Afore there need to acquire overview history on mining, different disquisition of man-made landscapes, and the main idea of recultivation and condition of it. To get a picture, there needed to read up on germane literature, Adverbial of disturbed open land-mining reclamation, detail-plan of this area, author visited Alesti mining and acquaint herself with circumstances at the area and took pictures. After visual analyses, working in the field and analyzing the photos, there is composed an order of phases, and specified areas, witch will stay as naturally planted and witch will be done with new greenery. Best end With this received data there took place zoning bargain of possibility to perform it all, considering using possibilities of technique, recreation area’s final use above land-property and relaxing activities areas safe usage. There are drawings, witch shows the planned phases in order, and areas witch will stay naturally planted and areas witch supposed to get new planting.
Problem set up Herein introductive theoretical part gives a short summarize of mining history and development in Estonia, and gravel, as one of the oldest natural resource importance. Subsequently introduction of methodology and summarize specify of land-reclamated area, working steps and functional solution of sketch-plan. Purpose The main theme of this writing are: - creation of land-reclamation plan, - which are the phases of accomplish the works, - to give a function solution on sketch-plan, and specify natural and new greenery areas. Methodology Afore there need to acquire overview history on mining, different disquisition of man-made landscapes, and the main idea of recultivation and condition of it. To get a picture, there needed to read up on germane literature, Adverbial of disturbed open land-mining reclamation, detail-plan of this area, author visited Alesti mining and acquaint herself with circumstances at the area and took pictures. After visual analyses, working in the field and analyzing the photos, there is composed an order of phases, and specified areas, witch will stay as naturally planted and witch will be done with new greenery. Best end With this received data there took place zoning bargain of possibility to perform it all, considering using possibilities of technique, recreation area’s final use above land-property and relaxing activities areas safe usage. There are drawings, witch shows the planned phases in order, and areas witch will stay naturally planted and areas witch supposed to get new planting.
karjäär, rekultiveerimine, Raplamaa, bakalaureusetööd