Ehitustegevuse jätkusuutlikkuse hindamine keskkonnasõbralikkuse aspektist
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Eesti Maaülikool
Ehitamine on kunst, mis pärineb ajast, mil inimesed planeedil Maa veel ei eksisteerinud.
Ehitamist kui inimeste maailmapildis oleva mõiste tähendusena mõistetakse tegevust, mille
tõttu või tulemusena luuakse midagi uut olenemata vajadusest. Tehnoloogiliste võimaluste
arenedes ning pidevalt suureneva rahvaarvu tõttu tekkinud ökoloogiliste probleemide
edaspidise vältimise eelduseks on põhjendatud riikide ja organisatsiooni poolt erinevate
regulatsioonide ja normide välja kuulutamine.
Uurimistöö eesmärk. Käesoleva teoreetilist-praktilise ehitusinseneri magistriõppe lõputöö
uurimisülesandeks oli analüüsida ning jõuda selgusele, mida erinevate maailmas ilmnenud
keskkonnaalaste probleemide tekked ning nende tagajärjel koostatud seadusandlikud
regulatsioonid ja normid on Eesti ehitustegevust mõjutanud nii projekteerimise, ehitamise
kui ka kasutamise faasis. Töö eesmärgiks oli erinevate ehitusvaldkonnas tegutsenud
staažikate spetsialistide intervjueerimisel koostatud kokkuvõtete analüüsimine, et jõuda
selgusele, kuidas viidatud normid ja seadused nende tööd mõjutanud on lisades juurde
vajalikus mahus kommentaare lähtudes töö autori varasemalt omandatud kogemustest ja
Tulemused. Käesoleva teoreetilis-praktilise lõputöö tulemusena võib märkida, et uuritud
valdkonnas esineb puudujääke ning seadusandluse kaheti tõlgendamist.
Järeldused. Magistriõppe lõputöös puudutatud teema on täna aktuaalne ning muutumas iga
järgneva aastaga veelgi aktuaalsemaks, mistõttu tuleks puudutatud teemat edasi arendada
ning koostada laiapõhjalisi katseid ja simulatsioone eesmärgiga jõuda rohelisema ehitamise
ja ekspluatatsioonini.
Building is an art that dates back to a time when humans did not yet exist on planet Earth. Construction as a concept in the worldview of people is understood as an activity due to or because of which something new is created regardless of need. Prerequisites for the further prevention of ecological problems arising as technological possibilities develop and due to the constantly growing population are the promulgation of different regulations and norms by states and organizations. Purpose of the research. The research task of this theoretical-practical civil engineering master's thesis was to analyse and find out what the emergence of various environmental problems in the world and the resulting legislative regulations and norms have affected Estonian construction activities in the design, construction and operation phases. The aim of the work was to analyse the summaries prepared by interviewing various senior specialists in the field of construction in order to find out how the referred norms and laws have affected their work by adding the necessary comments based on the author's previous experience and knowledge. Results. Because of this theoretical-practical research, it can be noted that there are shortcomings in the studied field and two interpretations of the legislation. Conclusions. The topic of the master's thesis is topical today and is becoming even more relevant with each passing year, which is why the topic should be further developed and extensive tests and simulations should be prepared with the aim of achieving greener construction and operation
Building is an art that dates back to a time when humans did not yet exist on planet Earth. Construction as a concept in the worldview of people is understood as an activity due to or because of which something new is created regardless of need. Prerequisites for the further prevention of ecological problems arising as technological possibilities develop and due to the constantly growing population are the promulgation of different regulations and norms by states and organizations. Purpose of the research. The research task of this theoretical-practical civil engineering master's thesis was to analyse and find out what the emergence of various environmental problems in the world and the resulting legislative regulations and norms have affected Estonian construction activities in the design, construction and operation phases. The aim of the work was to analyse the summaries prepared by interviewing various senior specialists in the field of construction in order to find out how the referred norms and laws have affected their work by adding the necessary comments based on the author's previous experience and knowledge. Results. Because of this theoretical-practical research, it can be noted that there are shortcomings in the studied field and two interpretations of the legislation. Conclusions. The topic of the master's thesis is topical today and is becoming even more relevant with each passing year, which is why the topic should be further developed and extensive tests and simulations should be prepared with the aim of achieving greener construction and operation
Ehitusinseneriõppe lõputöö
Maaehituse- ja veemajanduse õppetool
magistritööd, jätkusuutlikkus, ehitamine, Roheline Ülikool (töö toetab EMÜ Rohelise Ülikooli põhimõtteid), keskkond, säästev areng, keskkonnasõbralikkus