Põhjamaiste metsamarjade bioaktiivsete komponentide rakendusvõimalused
Kättesaadav alates
Steinberg, Lisette
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Eesti Maaülikool
Traditsiooniliselt on põhjamaise toidu oluline osa olnud marjad, mis on rikkad kiudainete,
vitamiinide, mineraalainete ja bioaktiivsete ühendite poolest. Põhjamaades kasvab umbes 50
erinevat liiki marju, eriti väärtuslikud on metsamarjad, mis sisaldavad palju fenoolseid
ühendeid ja orgaanilisi happeid. Käesoleva töö eesmärk oli leida nelja välja valitud
marjapulbrid (harilik mustikas, harilik jõhvikas, harilik pohl, rabamurakas) sensoorselt
sobivaimad kontsentratsioonid musta tee, muffini ja maitsestamata jogurti koostises ning
uurida nende mõju toodete pH-le, kõvadusele ja värvusele säilivuskatsete käigus. Hinnati
erinevate marjapulbrite mõju musta tee, muffini ja maitsestamata jogurti omadustele
erinevate kontsentratsioonide puhul, viies läbi katseid Eesti Maaülikooli laborites.
Marjapulbrite lisamisel toodetesse jälgiti nende mõju värvusele, pH-le, tekstuurile ja
sensoorsetele omadustele ning teostati säilivuskatseid 3 nädala jooksul. Uurimistöö
tulemusena selgus, et hariliku mustika, pohla, jõhvika ja rabamuraka pulbrite optimaalsed
kontsentratsioonid erinevate toiduainete jaoks varieerusid, mõjutades oluliselt toodete
sensoorseid omadusi ja säilivust. Muffinites olid kõige sobivamad kontsentratsioonid
jõhvikaga 1%, mustikaga 3%, pohlaga 3% ja murakaga 1%, saavutades parimad sensoorsed
hinnangud. Jogurti ja tee puhul osutusid parimateks kontsentratsioonideks jõhvikaga 3%,
mustikaga 3-5%, pohlaga 3% ja murakaga 1%. pH ja värvuse muutused mängisid olulist rolli
toodete kvaliteedi hindamisel. Marjapulbrite lisamisel toodetesse peab kindlasti eelnevalt
läbi viima sensoorsed katsed, sest optimaalsete sensoorsete omadustega kontsentratsioonid jäävad küllaltki kitsastesse piiridesse. Lisaks aretatud marjadele, võivad metsamarjad olla
oluliseks lisandiks erinevatele toidutoodetele.
Forest berries, which are rich in fibre, vitamins, minerals and bioactive compounds, have traditionally been an important part of Nordic foods. About fifty different types of berries grow in the Nordic countries, especially valuable are the forest berries, which contain a lot of phenolic compounds and organic acids. The purpose of this work was to find out the most appropriate sensory concentrations of four selected berry powders (bilberry, cranberry, lingonberry, cloudberry) in the composition of black tea, muffins and plain yoghurt and to investigate their effect on the pH, hardness and colour of the products during shelf life tests. In this study, the effect of different berry powders on the properties of black tea, muffins and plain yoghurt was evaluated using multiple concentrations, conducting experiments in the laboratories of the Estonian University of Life Sciences. When berry powders were added to the products, their effects on colour, pH, texture and sensory properties were monitored, and shelf life tests were performed during a 3-week period. As a result of the research, it was revealed that the optimal concentrations of bilberry, lingonberry, cranberry and cloudberry, powders for different foods varied, significantly affecting the sensory properties and shelf life of the products. In muffins, the most suitable concentrations were cranberry 1%, bilberry 3%, lingonberry 3% and cloudberry 1%, achieving the best sensory evaluations. For yoghurt and tea, the best concentrations were 3% with cranberry, 3-5% with bilberry, 3% with lingonberry and 1% with cloudberry. Adding berry powders into food products should be handled with care and sensory tests should be conducted, because the concentrations with optimal sensory properties remain within rather narrow limits. In addition to cultivated berries, wild berries could be an important addition to various food products.
Forest berries, which are rich in fibre, vitamins, minerals and bioactive compounds, have traditionally been an important part of Nordic foods. About fifty different types of berries grow in the Nordic countries, especially valuable are the forest berries, which contain a lot of phenolic compounds and organic acids. The purpose of this work was to find out the most appropriate sensory concentrations of four selected berry powders (bilberry, cranberry, lingonberry, cloudberry) in the composition of black tea, muffins and plain yoghurt and to investigate their effect on the pH, hardness and colour of the products during shelf life tests. In this study, the effect of different berry powders on the properties of black tea, muffins and plain yoghurt was evaluated using multiple concentrations, conducting experiments in the laboratories of the Estonian University of Life Sciences. When berry powders were added to the products, their effects on colour, pH, texture and sensory properties were monitored, and shelf life tests were performed during a 3-week period. As a result of the research, it was revealed that the optimal concentrations of bilberry, lingonberry, cranberry and cloudberry, powders for different foods varied, significantly affecting the sensory properties and shelf life of the products. In muffins, the most suitable concentrations were cranberry 1%, bilberry 3%, lingonberry 3% and cloudberry 1%, achieving the best sensory evaluations. For yoghurt and tea, the best concentrations were 3% with cranberry, 3-5% with bilberry, 3% with lingonberry and 1% with cloudberry. Adding berry powders into food products should be handled with care and sensory tests should be conducted, because the concentrations with optimal sensory properties remain within rather narrow limits. In addition to cultivated berries, wild berries could be an important addition to various food products.
Toiduainete tehnoloogia õppekaval
bakalaureusetööd, metsamarjad, bioaktiivsed ühendid, säilivuskatse, sensoorne analüüs