3-teljeline arvprogrammjuhitav puidufreespink
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Eesti Maaülikool
Käesoleva lõputöö projekti raames projekteeriti ja ehitati valmis 3- teljeline CNC
puidufreespink ergonoomiliste mõõtmete ja väikse massiga, mis lihtsustaks transporti ja
ei võtaks palju ruumi, ent samas suudaks freesida Eestis enamlevinud puuliike ja vajadusel
ka pehmemat plastikut ning metalli. Kriteeriumiks oli, et seadme lõpphind peab jääma
alla 350 euro, et püsida konkurentsitult kõige kasulikuma võimalusena arvestades
turuhindu. Raamkonstruktsiooni projekteerimisel valiti kahe materjali vahel: alumiinium
(5083) ja niiskuskindel filmivineer FW. Põhjendatud kaalutlustel valiti niiskuskindel
filmivineer FW. Töösõlmedes tehti vajalikud arvutused leidmaks sobivad mehaanika- ja
Enamus komponente telliti välismaalt (Hiina, Läti) sobivama hinna tõttu. Valiti välja
sobiv elektroonika ja kasutajasõbralik juhttarkvara. Efektiivne tööala on (X,Y,Z)
220×330×112 mm ja telgede maksimaalne positsioneerimise kiirus on 4000 mm/min.
CNC puidufreespink kaalub 8,7 kg. 3- teljelisel CNC puidufreespingil on avatud töölaud.
Soovitatav on kasutada maksimaalselt 5 kg kaaluvat toorikut või detaili. Telgede
liigutamise täpsuseks on 0,04 mm, mida võib lugeda rahuldavaks tulemuseks, kuna
samm-mootorite draiveritel on võimalik sammu täpsust veelgi suurendada. 3- teljelise
CNC freespingi ehitusmaksumuseks kujunes 259,35 eurot sh juhtimissüsteemi korpus.
Tulemusega võib rahule jääda, kuna etteantud hind jäi kavandatava eelarve piiresse.
During this bachelor’s thesis the 3-axis CNC wood-milling machine was built. The machine’s size and mass are ergonomic, which would simplified the transport and placement of the machine, it would be able to mill the most known trees in Estonia, also softer plastic and metal. The criteria was that the machine’s final price must be less than 350 euros, which would make it the most competitive on the market. While designing the frame there were two options – either to build it with aluminium (5083) or damp-proof plywood film FW. The latter plywood was chosen because of argumented considerations. Appropriate bending load calculations in working points were made for finding a suitable components. Most of the components were imported from foreign countries (China, Latvia) because of the price advantage. A suitable electronics and user-friendly control software were chosen. CNC wood-milling machine weighs total of 8,7 kilograms. Effective work area is 220x330x112 mm (X,Y,Z) and the speed of the maximum positioning is 4000 mm/min. The 3-axis CNC wood-milling machine has open bench (desktop) which means that it can also work with longer details. It is recommended to use blanks with a maximum weigth of 5 kg. Working points accuracy is 0,04 mm, that can be considered as a satisfactory result, because it is possible to regulate micro-steps in different degrees and this helps to lift the precision even more. Manufacturing cost for the the 3-axis CNC wood-milling machine was in total 259,35 euros. This includes and that also contains the price for control corpus. The result is satisfactory because the price remained within the proposed budget.
During this bachelor’s thesis the 3-axis CNC wood-milling machine was built. The machine’s size and mass are ergonomic, which would simplified the transport and placement of the machine, it would be able to mill the most known trees in Estonia, also softer plastic and metal. The criteria was that the machine’s final price must be less than 350 euros, which would make it the most competitive on the market. While designing the frame there were two options – either to build it with aluminium (5083) or damp-proof plywood film FW. The latter plywood was chosen because of argumented considerations. Appropriate bending load calculations in working points were made for finding a suitable components. Most of the components were imported from foreign countries (China, Latvia) because of the price advantage. A suitable electronics and user-friendly control software were chosen. CNC wood-milling machine weighs total of 8,7 kilograms. Effective work area is 220x330x112 mm (X,Y,Z) and the speed of the maximum positioning is 4000 mm/min. The 3-axis CNC wood-milling machine has open bench (desktop) which means that it can also work with longer details. It is recommended to use blanks with a maximum weigth of 5 kg. Working points accuracy is 0,04 mm, that can be considered as a satisfactory result, because it is possible to regulate micro-steps in different degrees and this helps to lift the precision even more. Manufacturing cost for the the 3-axis CNC wood-milling machine was in total 259,35 euros. This includes and that also contains the price for control corpus. The result is satisfactory because the price remained within the proposed budget.
Rakenduskõrgharidusõppe lõputöö
Tehnotroonika õppekaval
filmivineer, samm-mootorid, juhtkontrollerid, lõputööd