Lääne-Siberi Laika Aretuseeskiri
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Salk, Pirjo
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Eesti Maaülikool
Lääne-siberi laika on Eestis enim kasvatatav laika tõug. Tõug aretati Venemaal manside ja hantide
laikadest 20. sajandil. Bakalaureusetöö eesmärk oli anda ülevaade lääne-siberi laika
populatsioonist Eestis ning koostada tõuühingutele alusmaterjal ametliku aretusprogrammi
koostamiseks ja aretuse erinõuete kehtestamiseks. Hetkel lääne-siberi laikadel Eestis aretuse
erinõuded puuduvad. Töö koostamisel kasutati Eesti Kennelliidu tõuregistrit ning Soome ja Rootsi
lääne-siberi laikade aretuseeskirjasid. Bakalaureusetöö koostamisel selgus, et aastatel 2016-2022
Eesti Kennelliidu tõuregistri andmetel registreeriti sündinud ja imporditud lääne-siberi laikasid
kokku 502, pesakondi sündis 112 ning aretuses kasutati 79 emast ja 66 isast koera. Antud tõu
efektiivne populatsioonimaht oli 144 koera. Kahel isasel koeral ületas järglaste arv 5% vaadeldud
perioodil sündinud kutsikate arvust. Soome ja Rootsi lääne-siberi laikade tõuühingud on piiranud
pesakondade arvu koera kohta ning pööravad rohkem tähelepanu ka nende välimiku, tervise ja
jahiomaduste säilitamisele. Eestis oleks soovitatav samuti piirata pesakondade arvu ning nõuda
aretuskoertelt näituse hinde olemasolu ja jahikatse edukat sooritust vähemalt ühel pesakonna
vanemal. Aretuse erinõuete abil oleks võimalik vähendada sugulusaretuse riski ning säilitada
antud tõul välimiku- ja jahiomadused.
The West Siberian laika is the most cultivated laika breed in Estonia. The breed was bred in Russia from the Mansi and Khanty laikas in the 20th century. The aim of the bachelor's thesis is to provide an overview of the population of the West Siberian Laika in Estonia and to prepare basic material for breeding associations to prepare an official breeding program and establish special requirements for breeding. At the moment, there are no special breeding requirements for West Siberian laikas in Estonia. The Estonian Kennel Club's breed register and Finnish and Swedish West Siberian Laika breeding regulations were used to write the thesis. During the compilation of the bachelor's thesis, it was revealed that in the years 2016- 2022, according to the breed register of the Estonian Kennel Association, a total of 502 born and imported West Siberian Laikas were registered, 112 litters were born, and 79 female and 66 male dogs were used in breeding. The effective population size of this breed was 144 dogs. For two male dogs, the number of offspring exceeded 5% of the number of puppies born in the observed period. Finnish and Swedish West Siberian Laika breed associations have limited the number of litters per dog and they pay more attention to preserving their appearance, health and hunting qualities. In Estonia, it would also be advisable to limit the number of litters and have the requirement for breeding dogs to have a show grade and to successfully pass a hunting test for at least one parent of the litter. With the help of special breeding requirements, it would be possible to reduce the risk of inbreeding and preserve the appearance and hunting characteristics of this breed.
The West Siberian laika is the most cultivated laika breed in Estonia. The breed was bred in Russia from the Mansi and Khanty laikas in the 20th century. The aim of the bachelor's thesis is to provide an overview of the population of the West Siberian Laika in Estonia and to prepare basic material for breeding associations to prepare an official breeding program and establish special requirements for breeding. At the moment, there are no special breeding requirements for West Siberian laikas in Estonia. The Estonian Kennel Club's breed register and Finnish and Swedish West Siberian Laika breeding regulations were used to write the thesis. During the compilation of the bachelor's thesis, it was revealed that in the years 2016- 2022, according to the breed register of the Estonian Kennel Association, a total of 502 born and imported West Siberian Laikas were registered, 112 litters were born, and 79 female and 66 male dogs were used in breeding. The effective population size of this breed was 144 dogs. For two male dogs, the number of offspring exceeded 5% of the number of puppies born in the observed period. Finnish and Swedish West Siberian Laika breed associations have limited the number of litters per dog and they pay more attention to preserving their appearance, health and hunting qualities. In Estonia, it would also be advisable to limit the number of litters and have the requirement for breeding dogs to have a show grade and to successfully pass a hunting test for at least one parent of the litter. With the help of special breeding requirements, it would be possible to reduce the risk of inbreeding and preserve the appearance and hunting characteristics of this breed.
Loomakasvatuse õppekaval
bakalaureusetööd, lääne-siberi laika, aretuse erinõuded, jahikoer