Sinise kuslapuu (Lonicera caerulea L.) sortide viljade füüsikalised omadused ja biokeemiline koostis
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Eesti Maaülikool
Eestis on sinise kuslapuu (Lonicera caerulea L.) ja tema sortide kohta seni tehtud küllaltki vähe
uurimistööd. Perspektiivika ning vastupidava taimena vääriks ta aga palju suuremat tähelepanu.
Kuslapuu viljad sisaldavad mitmeid inimese tervisele kasulikke aineid ja ühendeid nagu näiteks
erinevaid vitamiine, fenoolseid ühendeid, valke, lipiide, orgaanilisi happeid jne.. Võrreldes teiste
viljadega nagu mustikas, apelsin jt. on eriti suur A ja C vitamiini sisaldus. Eesti turule on ilmunud
väga palju uusi sinise kuslapuu sorte, kuid pole teada kuivõrd või kas üldse nad vanematest
levinumatest sortidest paremad on.
Töö eesmärgiks oli selgitada välja mõnede Eesti istikuärides ja puukoolides müügil olevate uuemate
sinise kuslapuu (Lonicera caerulea L.) sortide viljade füüsilised ja keemilised omadused, mille järgi
saab hinnata nende kvaliteedi näitajaid ja sobivuse nii lauamarjaks, kui ka põllumajanduslikuks
suurtootmiseks. Lisaks oli eesmärgiks ka uuemate sortide tutvustamine lugejale.
Uurimistöö viidi läbi 2017. aastal. Sinise kuslapuu (Lonicera caerulea L.) erinevate sortide viljad
korjati mõõtmiste ja keemiliste analüüside tegemiseks Eesti Maaülikooli (EMÜ) Polli
Aiandusuuringute keskuse kollektsioonistandikust. Uurimistöös olid vaatluse all 14 sinise kuslapuu
sorti: ´Roksana`, ´Zolushka`, ´Baktšarskaja` (vanemad sordid), ´Amphora`, ´Lebedužka`, ´Morena`,
´Leningradski Velikan´, ‘Mordy Triumph` (vanemad sordid, kuid Eesti turul üsna uued sordid),
´Czulymskaja`, ´Borealis`, ´Tundra`, ´Indigo Gem`, ´Indigo Treat`, ´Duet` (uuemad sordid).
Esimese katseaasta tulemustest selgus, et uuemate sortide viljad ületavad keskmiste suurusnäitajate
poolest vanemate sortide vilju. Viljade pikkuselt ja massilt on enamusest vanadest sortidest suurem
´Czulymskaja` ning viljade laiuselt ´Indigo Treat`. Uute sortide viljades on väiksem rakumahla
kuivaine sisaldus. Uuemate ja vanemate sortide viljades on võrdne pH tase. Uuemad sordid ületavad
vanemaid tiitritavate hapete sisalduse poolest viljades. Uuemate sortide seas on kõige suurem
tiitritavate hapete sisaldus sortidel ´Borealis` ja ´Tundra`. Uuemates sortides oli väiksem ka
askorbiinhappe sisaldus. Kõige enam sisaldas askorbiinhapet sort ´Morena`. Tulemustest järeldub, et
uued sordid ületasid vanemaid pigem viljade massilt ja pikkuselt. Biokeemilise koostise osas olulisi
erinevusi ei esine.
In Estonia a rather small amount of research has been done previously on the blue honeysuckle (Lonicera caerulea L.) and its cultivars. With being a very vigurous plant in Estonian climate and therefore a plant with a great perspective in the region it deserves and should obtain much greater overall popularity. The honeysuckle fruits are a very good source of many natural health-beneficial compounds such as vitamins (A, E, C etc.), phenolic compounds, proteins, lipids, organic acids, sugars, and antioxidants. When compared to many other fruits the amounts of vitamins A and C in particular are much higher. A number of new honeysuckle cultivars have been appearing on the Estonian market, but there has been a lack of knowledge regarding whether there are any that exceed the previous and well known varieties. The research was conducted in the year 2017 and the fruits of the blue honeysuckle (Lonicera caerulea L.) were picked for measurements and chemical analyses from the collection garden of Polli Horticultural Research Centre of Estonian University of Life Sciences. There were 14 cultivars of blue honeysuckle in the experiment: ´Roksana`, ´Zolushka`, ´Baktšarskaja` (older cultivars); ´Amphora`, ´Lebedužka`, ´Morena`, ´Leningradski Velikan´, ‘Mordy Triumph` (older cultivars that are less known in Estonia); ´Czulymskaja`, ´Borealis`, ´Tundra`, ´Indigo Gem`, ´Indigo Treat`, ´Duet` (newer cultivars). The results of the first experimental year revealed that the fruits of the newer honeysuckle cultivars exceed the fruits of the older cultivars in the average fruitsize. In terms of the length of the fruits and also the average fruit mass, the cultivar ´Czulymskaja` exceeds the older cultivars. The same goes for the cultivar ´Indigo Treat` in terms of width of the fruits. The fruits of newer cultivars have lower content of soluble solids in the fruit juice compared to corresponding figures in the older cultivars. The pH levels are equal in the fruit juice of the newer and older cultivars. The fruits of the newer cultivars have higher levels of titratable acidity. Also the newer cultivars have a lower content of ascorbic acid compared to older cultivars. In conclusion the newer cultivars exceed the older cultivars rather in fruitmass and fruitlenght. There are no significant variations in the biochemical compositions among newer and older cultivars.
In Estonia a rather small amount of research has been done previously on the blue honeysuckle (Lonicera caerulea L.) and its cultivars. With being a very vigurous plant in Estonian climate and therefore a plant with a great perspective in the region it deserves and should obtain much greater overall popularity. The honeysuckle fruits are a very good source of many natural health-beneficial compounds such as vitamins (A, E, C etc.), phenolic compounds, proteins, lipids, organic acids, sugars, and antioxidants. When compared to many other fruits the amounts of vitamins A and C in particular are much higher. A number of new honeysuckle cultivars have been appearing on the Estonian market, but there has been a lack of knowledge regarding whether there are any that exceed the previous and well known varieties. The research was conducted in the year 2017 and the fruits of the blue honeysuckle (Lonicera caerulea L.) were picked for measurements and chemical analyses from the collection garden of Polli Horticultural Research Centre of Estonian University of Life Sciences. There were 14 cultivars of blue honeysuckle in the experiment: ´Roksana`, ´Zolushka`, ´Baktšarskaja` (older cultivars); ´Amphora`, ´Lebedužka`, ´Morena`, ´Leningradski Velikan´, ‘Mordy Triumph` (older cultivars that are less known in Estonia); ´Czulymskaja`, ´Borealis`, ´Tundra`, ´Indigo Gem`, ´Indigo Treat`, ´Duet` (newer cultivars). The results of the first experimental year revealed that the fruits of the newer honeysuckle cultivars exceed the fruits of the older cultivars in the average fruitsize. In terms of the length of the fruits and also the average fruit mass, the cultivar ´Czulymskaja` exceeds the older cultivars. The same goes for the cultivar ´Indigo Treat` in terms of width of the fruits. The fruits of newer cultivars have lower content of soluble solids in the fruit juice compared to corresponding figures in the older cultivars. The pH levels are equal in the fruit juice of the newer and older cultivars. The fruits of the newer cultivars have higher levels of titratable acidity. Also the newer cultivars have a lower content of ascorbic acid compared to older cultivars. In conclusion the newer cultivars exceed the older cultivars rather in fruitmass and fruitlenght. There are no significant variations in the biochemical compositions among newer and older cultivars.
Aianduse õppekaval
magistritööd, C-vitamiin, viljad, kuslapuu, füüsikalised omadused