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Kättesaadav alates
Kavald, Kairi
Ajakirja pealkiri
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Eesti Maaülikool
Bakalaureusetöö analüüsib Tartu kesklinna Turu tänava piirkonna probleeme ja võimalusi
linnaruumi kasutajate kontekstis. Töö eesmärk on pakkuda välja disainlahendused kõige
suurema kasutuskoormusega piirkondadele fookusega laste- ja noortesõbralikkusele. Antakse
ka visioon kergliikluse korraldamiseks. Analüüsimisel on võetud aluseks Maa-ameti kaardid,
kasutatud paikvaatlust ning lähtutud ka isiklikust kokkupuutest kirjeldatava alaga. Kujunduse
idee lähtub laste ja noorte ealisest kutsumusest panna ennast füüsiliselt proovile, turnida ja
maailma avastada. Tööd saab kasutada reaalse projektina.
This Bachelor’s thesis analysis the problems and opportunities in downtown of Tartu in Turu Street area in the context of urban space users. The purpose of this paper is to provide design solutions for the most used areas, focusing on the friendliness of children and young people. Also the vision for organising the light traffic is presented. The analysis is based on the maps of Estonian Land Board, on-the-spot observations and on personal experiences in the area described. The design idea is originating from the age-specific pecularity of children and young people to physically test themselves, to clamber and discover the world. This outcome can be used as a real project.
This Bachelor’s thesis analysis the problems and opportunities in downtown of Tartu in Turu Street area in the context of urban space users. The purpose of this paper is to provide design solutions for the most used areas, focusing on the friendliness of children and young people. Also the vision for organising the light traffic is presented. The analysis is based on the maps of Estonian Land Board, on-the-spot observations and on personal experiences in the area described. The design idea is originating from the age-specific pecularity of children and young people to physically test themselves, to clamber and discover the world. This outcome can be used as a real project.
Keskkonnaplaneerimise ja maastikukujunduse õppekaval
bakalaureusetööd, kujundusprojektid, avalik ruum, noored, kergliiklus