Kroonilise neeruhaiguse esinemissagedus hüpertüreoidismiga kassidel Eesti Maaülikooli väikeloomakliinikus
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Smolentseva, Janika
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Eesti Maaülikool
Hüpertüreoidism ja krooniline neeruhaigus (Chronic kidney disease - CKD) on vanematel
kassidel levinud kroonilised seisundid, mis võivad esineda kas samal ajal või areneda
erinevatel aegadel. Hüpertüreoidism võib raskendada CKD diagnoosimist, kuna kiirendab
glomerulaarfiltratsiooni kiirust ja vähendab lihasmassi, muutes kaudsed neerude
funktsiooni markerid vähem tundlikumaks. CKD omakorda võib raskendada
hüpertüreoidismi diagnoosimist, kuna kutsub esile eutüreoidse haiguse sündroomi. Pärast
hüpertüreoidismi ravimist võib kassidel tekkida iatrogenne hüpotüreoidism, mis võib
kahjustada neere veelgi ning süveneda asoteemiat CKD-ga kassidel. Selle uuringu eesmärk
oli tuvastata CKD esinemissagedust hüpertüroidismiga kassidel Maaülikooli
väikeloomakliiniku andmestiku põhjal. Andmeid koguti patsientide kohta, kes said
hüpertüreoidismi diagnoosi perioodil 01.01.2019 – 31.12.2023. Lõputöö tulemusena selgus,
et Maaülikooli kliiniku andmestiku järgi külastas kliinikut 96 kassi, kellele pandi
diagnoosiks hüpertüreoidism. Uuringusse ei kaasatud 63 kassi, kuna diagnoos oli pandud
teises kliinikus, hüpertüreoidism oli märgitud diferentsiaaldiagnoosina, hüpertüreoidism ei
olnud saadud kontrolli alla või oli teostatud ainult üks türoksiini mõõtmine. 33 kassist
42.2% ehk 15 kassil tekkis asoteemia pärast hüpertüreoidismi kontrolli alla saamist. 10
kassil esines asoteemia enne hüpertüreoidismi kontrolli alla saamist ning pärast
türoidhormoonide sisalduse pärssimist asoteemia süvenes. Kõikidel uuritud kassidel
süvenes asoteemia pärast hüpertüreoidismi kontrolli alla saamist oluliselt. Antud uuringus
leitud hüpertüreoidismi ja CKD samaaegse esinemissagedus on 75.7%. Põhjalik arusaam
nende kahe haiguse samaaegsest esinemisest ja vastastikust mõjust on oluline, kuna see
võib mõjutada loomaarsti poolt omanikele antud nõuandeid ravivõimaluste ja looma
jälgimise kohta ning võimaldab valida kõige sobilikumad looma tervisemonitooringu
Hyperthyroidism and chronic kidney disease (CKD) are common chronic conditions in older cats which can either occur at the same time or develop at different times. Hyperthyroidism can complicate the diagnosis of CKD because it increases the glomerular filtration rate and reduces muscle mass, making indirect markers of kidney function insensitive. CKD, in turn, can complicate the diagnosis of hyperthyroidism because it causes a euthyroid sick syndrome. After treating hyperthyroidism, cats can develop iatrogenic hypothyroidism, which can further damage the kidneys and worsen azotemia in cats with CKD. The aim of this study was to determine the incidence of the CKD in cats with hyperthyroidism based on the database of the Small Animal Clinic of Estonian University of Life Sciences. Data were collected from patients who got a diagnosis of hyperthyroidism in the period 01.01.2019 - 31.12.2023. As a result of the thesis, it turned out that according to the database of the university clinic, 96 cats visited the clinic and were diagnosed with hyperthyroidism. 63 cats were not included in the study because the diagnosis was made at another clinic, hyperthyroidism was noted as a differential diagnosis, hyperthyroidism was not controlled, or only one thyroxine (T4) measurement was performed. Out of 33 cats, after hyperthyroidism was controlled, 42.2% (15) cats developed azotemia. 10 cats had azotemia before hyperthyroidism was controlled, and azotemia worsened after thyroid hormone suppression. In all cats studied, azotemia worsened significantly after treatment of hyperthyroidism. The incidence of hyperthyroidism and CKD found in this study is 75.7%. A comprehensive understanding of the simultaneous occurrence and mutual influence of these two diseases is important, as it can influence the options given by the veterinarian to the owners regarding treatment options and monitoring of the animal and allows the selection of the most suitable animal health support strategies.
Hyperthyroidism and chronic kidney disease (CKD) are common chronic conditions in older cats which can either occur at the same time or develop at different times. Hyperthyroidism can complicate the diagnosis of CKD because it increases the glomerular filtration rate and reduces muscle mass, making indirect markers of kidney function insensitive. CKD, in turn, can complicate the diagnosis of hyperthyroidism because it causes a euthyroid sick syndrome. After treating hyperthyroidism, cats can develop iatrogenic hypothyroidism, which can further damage the kidneys and worsen azotemia in cats with CKD. The aim of this study was to determine the incidence of the CKD in cats with hyperthyroidism based on the database of the Small Animal Clinic of Estonian University of Life Sciences. Data were collected from patients who got a diagnosis of hyperthyroidism in the period 01.01.2019 - 31.12.2023. As a result of the thesis, it turned out that according to the database of the university clinic, 96 cats visited the clinic and were diagnosed with hyperthyroidism. 63 cats were not included in the study because the diagnosis was made at another clinic, hyperthyroidism was noted as a differential diagnosis, hyperthyroidism was not controlled, or only one thyroxine (T4) measurement was performed. Out of 33 cats, after hyperthyroidism was controlled, 42.2% (15) cats developed azotemia. 10 cats had azotemia before hyperthyroidism was controlled, and azotemia worsened after thyroid hormone suppression. In all cats studied, azotemia worsened significantly after treatment of hyperthyroidism. The incidence of hyperthyroidism and CKD found in this study is 75.7%. A comprehensive understanding of the simultaneous occurrence and mutual influence of these two diseases is important, as it can influence the options given by the veterinarian to the owners regarding treatment options and monitoring of the animal and allows the selection of the most suitable animal health support strategies.
Loomaarstiõppe lõputöö
Veterinaarmeditsiini õppekaval
magistritööd, kasside hüpertüreoidism, kasside krooniline neeruhaigus, kass, asoteemia