Tellija vajadused ja nende realiseerimine ehituse töövõtu korraldamise käigus. Õiguslik ja ehitustehniline analüüs
Kättesaadav alates
Kangur, Sirje
Ajakirja pealkiri
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Köite pealkiri
Eesti Maaülikool
Käesoleva magistritöö eesmärk on uurida, millised on tellija vajadused ning nende
realiseerimise võimalused ehituses, lähtudes õiguslikust ja ehitustehnilisest analüüsist.
Magistritöö raames on viidud läbi intervjuud Lõuna-Eesti ehitusettevõtetega, mille käigus
intervjueeritavad avaldasid arvamust ehitustööde korraldamise ja koostöö kohta kliendiga.
Uuritakse ka ehitaja ja tellija koostöös ette tulevaid probleeme ehitusturul, selgitatakse
välja tellija negatiivsed ja positiivsed seisukohad. Uurimusest ilmneb, milline on Eestis
valitsev üldine ehituskultuuri kvaliteet ja arengutase. Antud teema kajastusi on rohkesti ka
Magistritöö raames läbi viidud uurimuse põhjal selgus, et tellijate vähene ehitusalane
kompetentsus raskendab otsuste tegemist ja võib negatiivselt mõjutada kvaliteetse teenuse
Käesoleva magistritöö tulemuste põhjal saavad ehitusettevõtte liikmed ja kõik teised
olulised sidususrühma liikmed teha järeldusi parema koostöö korraldamiseks tellijaga.
Täiendava uurimuse käigus selguksid täpsemalt nõustamisteenuse arendamise ja koostöö
parendamise võimalused.
The purpose of this master's thesis is to investigate the needs of the client and the possibilities for their realization in construction, based on a legal and construction technical analysis. The author conducted interviews with construction companies in South Estonia during which interviewees expressed their opinions about managing construction works and cooperation with the client. The thesis also examines problems that can occur on the construction market in the cooperation between the contractor and the client. Negative and positive aspects were also identified. The survey shows the overall quality and level of development of the construction culture prevailing in Estonia. This topic is also rich in media coverage. The study revealed that the lack of construction competence of contracting authorities makes it difficult to make decisions and can negatively affect the provision of high-quality services. Based on the results of this master's thesis, the members of a construction company and any other significant group of stakeholders can draw conclusions to organize better cooperation with their clients. Further research will more precisely identify the possibilities of developing and improving cooperation on advisory services.
The purpose of this master's thesis is to investigate the needs of the client and the possibilities for their realization in construction, based on a legal and construction technical analysis. The author conducted interviews with construction companies in South Estonia during which interviewees expressed their opinions about managing construction works and cooperation with the client. The thesis also examines problems that can occur on the construction market in the cooperation between the contractor and the client. Negative and positive aspects were also identified. The survey shows the overall quality and level of development of the construction culture prevailing in Estonia. This topic is also rich in media coverage. The study revealed that the lack of construction competence of contracting authorities makes it difficult to make decisions and can negatively affect the provision of high-quality services. Based on the results of this master's thesis, the members of a construction company and any other significant group of stakeholders can draw conclusions to organize better cooperation with their clients. Further research will more precisely identify the possibilities of developing and improving cooperation on advisory services.
Maaehituse õppekaval
magistritööd, ehituskultuur, ehitustehniline analüüs, ehitusturg, ehitajad, tellija vajadused