OSB/3 plaadi füüsikaliste ja mehaaniliste karakteristikute muutumine korduvate ligunemis- ja kuivamisperioodide tõttu
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Eesti Maaülikool
Magistritöö eesmärgiks oli uurida OSB/3 plaadi füüsikalisi ja mehaanilisi karakteristikuid
(paindetugevus, -elastsusmoodul, pinnakõvadus, paksusesse pundumine, pikenemine ja
niiskussisaldus) korduvate ligunemis- ja kuivamisperioodide tõttu ning võrrelda tulemusi
Siim Kallau magistritöös saadud tulemustega. Katsekehad lõigati kahest identsest SWISS
KRONO poolt toodetud OSB/3 plaadist mõõtmetega 2500 x 1250 x 12 mm ning mille
valmis lõigatud katsekeha servad kaeti hüdroisolatsiooni mastiksiga.
Pinnakõvaduse katse teostati Rahvusvahelise standardi (ISO) järgi. Ülejäänud lõikamised,
mõõtmised ja katsed teostati Euroopa standardite (EN) järgi. Kõigepealt lõigati plaatidest
katsekehad piki- ja ristisuunas, mis märgistati, kaaluti ja mõõdeti. Seejärel teostati
katsekehadega nii mitu ligunemis- ja kuivamisperioodi, kui katsekehadele oli märgitud.
Maksimaalselt oli kümme 24-tunnist ligunemis- ja 48-tunnist kuivamisperioodi. Poolte
katsekehadega tehti mõõtmised, kaalumised ja katsed koheselt peale ligunemisest võtmist.
Ülejäänud poolte katsekehadega tehti katsed pärast konditsioneerimiskapis hoidmist, kui
katsekehad olid saavutanud püsiva kaalu 24-tunniste mõõtmiste järel. Paindetugevuse, -
elastsusmooduli ja pinnakõvaduse leidmiseks kasutati universaalse katsemasinat
INSTRON 3369. Pundumine määrati mikromeetriga. Niiskussisalduse saamiseks kaaluti
kehad peale igat katset. Katsekehade pikenemine leiti mikroskoobi ja mehaanilise lauda
abiga. Peale katseid analüüsiti katsetulemusi ja võrreldi nii omavahel kui ka Siim Kallau
tööga. Loodi lähenduskõverad katsetulemuste ennustamiseks peale x arv kordi.
Magistritöö tulemuseks saadi, et peale esimest ligunemis- ja kuivamisperioodi kaotasid
katsekehad kõige rohkem oma näitajates. Teisest perioodist alates vähenesid
pinnakõvaduse, -elastsusmooduli ja paindetugevuse tulemused aeglasemalt. Pundumine
ja niiskussisaldus suurenes iga perioodiga. Pikenemine jäi kõikide perioodide lõikes
samale tasemele. Võrdluses Siim Kallau tööga, jäid selle töö mõõtmistulemused kas
võrdseks või mõnel juhul kehvemaks.
The purpose of this Master’s thesis is to study OSB/3-board physical and mechanical characteristics (modulus of rupture, modulus of elasticity, static hardness, swelling in thickness, linear expansion and moisture content) after repetitive soaking and oven-drying and to compare results with Siim Kallau’s Master's thesis. Test samples were cut from two identical 2500 x 1250 x 12 mm OSB/3-boards which were made by SWISS KRONO. The sides of cut test samples were coated with waterproofing mastic. Static hardness was done by following International standards (ISO). Rest of cutting, measurements and tests were done by following European standards (EN). First of all, test samples were cut lengthwise and perpendicular to boards, which then got marked, weighted and measured. After that there were as many soaking and oven-drying periods, as were marked on the test samples. There were maximum ten 24 hour soaking and 48 hour oven-drying periods. With half of the test samples measurements, weighting and tests were done after every soaking. After holding half of the other test samples in environmental test chamber as long as they reached the requisite weight between 24-hour weights and then test were performed with them. Universal testing machine INSTRON 3369 was used for finding MOR (modulus of rupture), MOE (modulus of elasticity) and static hardness. Swelling in thickness was found with the help of micrometer. Moisture content were found by weighting test samples after every test. Test results were later analysed and compared both with each other and also with Siim Kallau’s Master’s thesis. Approximation curves were made to predict test results after x number of times. The results of the Master's thesis were, that after first soaking and oven-drying period, test samples lost most of their indicators. From second period and onwards, MOR, MOE and static hardness values lowered slower. Swelling in thickness and moisture content values got bigger but linear expansion stayed the same after every period. In comparison with Siim Kallau’s work, test results were the same or sometimes a little bit worse.
The purpose of this Master’s thesis is to study OSB/3-board physical and mechanical characteristics (modulus of rupture, modulus of elasticity, static hardness, swelling in thickness, linear expansion and moisture content) after repetitive soaking and oven-drying and to compare results with Siim Kallau’s Master's thesis. Test samples were cut from two identical 2500 x 1250 x 12 mm OSB/3-boards which were made by SWISS KRONO. The sides of cut test samples were coated with waterproofing mastic. Static hardness was done by following International standards (ISO). Rest of cutting, measurements and tests were done by following European standards (EN). First of all, test samples were cut lengthwise and perpendicular to boards, which then got marked, weighted and measured. After that there were as many soaking and oven-drying periods, as were marked on the test samples. There were maximum ten 24 hour soaking and 48 hour oven-drying periods. With half of the test samples measurements, weighting and tests were done after every soaking. After holding half of the other test samples in environmental test chamber as long as they reached the requisite weight between 24-hour weights and then test were performed with them. Universal testing machine INSTRON 3369 was used for finding MOR (modulus of rupture), MOE (modulus of elasticity) and static hardness. Swelling in thickness was found with the help of micrometer. Moisture content were found by weighting test samples after every test. Test results were later analysed and compared both with each other and also with Siim Kallau’s Master’s thesis. Approximation curves were made to predict test results after x number of times. The results of the Master's thesis were, that after first soaking and oven-drying period, test samples lost most of their indicators. From second period and onwards, MOR, MOE and static hardness values lowered slower. Swelling in thickness and moisture content values got bigger but linear expansion stayed the same after every period. In comparison with Siim Kallau’s work, test results were the same or sometimes a little bit worse.
Ehitusinseneriõppe lõputöö
Maaehituse õppekaval
magistritööd, pinnakõvadus, paindetugevus, paindeelastsusmoodul, pundumine, niiskussisaldus