Roheala võimalused Eesti hooldekodude ümber: personali puhkevõimalused
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Kungla, Liina
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Ühiskonnana vananemine on aktuaalne teema ning seoses sellega on suur rõhk
hooldekodudel. Palju on uuritud hooldekodu patsientide olukorda, kuid vähem on
tähelepanu pööratud hooldekodu töötajatele.
Magistritöö eesmärgiks oli uurida Eesti linnades asuvate hooldekodude personali
puhkevõimalusi ning leida seoseid roheala tervendava mõjuga.
Magistritöö eesmärgini jõudmiseks püstitati 7 uurimusküsimust, millele leiti
ankeetküsimustiku tulemuste alusel vastuseid.
Autor viis läbi küsitluse kolmes Eesti linnas, kokku üheteistkümnes hooldekodus.
Tulemustena leiti, et 79% küsitluses osalenud hooldekodudest on loodud puhkamiseks
puhkeruum. Pea pooltel (47%) hooldekodudel on olemas peale puhkeruumi ka aed, kus
töötajad saavad puhata ning mõtteid koguda. Hooldekodu rohekeskkonda minnakse koos
kolleegiga, et suhelda (r=0.440, p<0.05). Enamus (52%) töötajatest märkas rohealal
viibides oma mõtetes positiivseid muudatusi. Hooldekodu töötajad eelistavad viibida
roheala soojematel aastaaegadel nagu näiteks suvi (84%) ja kevad (48%). Hooldekodu
aladel on leitavad hoone välised aiad (31%) ja hoone sisesed aiad (25%). Päikese ja tuule
eest pakub varju aias olev elavmaterjal (r=0.443, p<0.05). Hooldekodualadest on
valgustatud enamasti jalgtee (60%). Leidub aedu, kus valgustus üldse puudub (19%).
Suurem hulk hooldekodu töötajatest näeb oma puhketoa aknast ümbritsevaid hooneid
(49%) ning aedu (37%).Domineerivalt paistab hooldekodude akendest roheline
(67%).Hooldekodu aladel saab läbi viia taimede vaatlust (66%), linnuvaatlust (48%) ja ka
loomade vaatlust (11%). Kogunemiskohana kasutatava aia istepingid on paigutatud
kahekaupa (r=0.419, p<0.05). Aedade juures soovitakse enim muuta istepinkide hulka
(26%), peenarde/ taimede hulka (24%) ning soovitakse pikemaid jalgradu (12%).
Küsitluses osales ka 1 hooldekodu, mille töötajad ei soovi aias mitte midagi muuta. 15%
küsitluses osalenutest puudus aed.
The nursing homes are getting more attention because the aging of society is today an actual issue. There are lots of studies which are focused on nursing home residents, but less attention has been paid to the nursing home staff. The aim of the given study was to find out nursing home staff resting opportunities in urban areas and to find connections with green area healing effect. To achieve the aim of Master´s thesis were set seven questions, which got answers from survey questionnaire responses. The Author carried out a survey in three cities of Estonia nursing homes, overall 11 nursing homes. Was found that, 79% of nursing homes have resting room for relaxing. Almost half (47%) of nursing homes have beside resting room the garden where employees can rest. Employees are going to nursing home green area to communicate with colleagues (r=0.440, p<0.05). Most (52%) of employees noticed green area positive effect and noticed mood changes in a positive way. Nursing home employees prefer to spend their time in green area in warmer seasons, for example in summer (84%) and in spring (48%). In nursing home field is used out of building gardens (31%) and inside of the building gardens (25%). Living material provides shade from wind and sun (r=0.443, p<0.05). The walkway is most commonly lit in nursing homes area (60%). There are gardens in which is no lightning at all (19%). Most of the employees can see from their resting room window surrounding buildings (49%) and gardens (37%). Dominating colors from nursing home windows are green (67%). In nursing home territory, it is possible to make plant (66%), bird (48%) and animal (11%) observation. In garden, which is personnel gathering place, the benches are placed two by two (r=0.419, p<0.05). The most desired change is to get more benches (26%), more flowerbed/plants (24%) and longer walkway (12%). There were also one nursing home in which employees do not want to change anything in the garden. 15% of respondents do not have garden.
The nursing homes are getting more attention because the aging of society is today an actual issue. There are lots of studies which are focused on nursing home residents, but less attention has been paid to the nursing home staff. The aim of the given study was to find out nursing home staff resting opportunities in urban areas and to find connections with green area healing effect. To achieve the aim of Master´s thesis were set seven questions, which got answers from survey questionnaire responses. The Author carried out a survey in three cities of Estonia nursing homes, overall 11 nursing homes. Was found that, 79% of nursing homes have resting room for relaxing. Almost half (47%) of nursing homes have beside resting room the garden where employees can rest. Employees are going to nursing home green area to communicate with colleagues (r=0.440, p<0.05). Most (52%) of employees noticed green area positive effect and noticed mood changes in a positive way. Nursing home employees prefer to spend their time in green area in warmer seasons, for example in summer (84%) and in spring (48%). In nursing home field is used out of building gardens (31%) and inside of the building gardens (25%). Living material provides shade from wind and sun (r=0.443, p<0.05). The walkway is most commonly lit in nursing homes area (60%). There are gardens in which is no lightning at all (19%). Most of the employees can see from their resting room window surrounding buildings (49%) and gardens (37%). Dominating colors from nursing home windows are green (67%). In nursing home territory, it is possible to make plant (66%), bird (48%) and animal (11%) observation. In garden, which is personnel gathering place, the benches are placed two by two (r=0.419, p<0.05). The most desired change is to get more benches (26%), more flowerbed/plants (24%) and longer walkway (12%). There were also one nursing home in which employees do not want to change anything in the garden. 15% of respondents do not have garden.
haljasalad, aiad, hooldekodud, töötajad, stress, puhkus, Eesti, magistritööd