Turbapinnaste stabiliseerimisvõimaluste uurimine, katsetamine ja analüüs
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Leinpuu, Andrus
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Eesti Maaülikool
Eestimaa keskkonnapildis on soodel suur tähtsus veevarude ja loodusliku seisundi
Turbapinnaste väljakaevamisel paiskub õhku suurel hulgal süsihappegaasi, mis on
tänapäeval üks suurimaid kliimasoojenemise põhjustajaid ja on vaja leida alternatiivseid
lahendusi turbapinnaste suuremahulistele väljakaevamistele.
Käesoleva töö eesmärgiks oli Keskkonnainvesteeringute Keskuse projekti raames
turbapinnaste stabiliseerimiseks põlevkivituha baasil väljatöötatud seguretseptide
geotehniliste omaduste määramine.
Geotehniliste omaduste määramisel on tuginetud varasemalt tehtud uurimustele ja
standarditele. Valitud seguretseptide alusel valmistati katsekehad nii väli- kui ka
Uuringu käigus määrati järgmised geotehnilised omadused: veesisaldus, mahumass,
nihketugevus, dreenimata nihketugevus, kokkusurutavus ja survetugevus.
Uuringu tulemuse põhjal on turbapinnaste kokkusurutavust võimalik vähendada 2 korda.
Turbapinnaste tugevust on võimalik suurendada 2 korda. Projekti raames saavutasid
välitingimustes ja laboris valmistatud segud survetugevuse kuni 66 kPa. Dreenimata
nihketugevuseks saadi kuni 33 kPa.
Kuivendatud turbapinnaste segamisel põlevkivituhaga ja teiste keemiliste komponentidega
on võimalik turbapinnaste survetugevuseks saavutada kuni 426 kPa.
Märgades tingimustes on võimalik turba esialgset tugevust tõsta 2 korda ja kuivades oludes
veel 2 korda. Projekteeritud kandevõimeks on võimalik saavutada kuni 103 kPa.
Mass-stabiliseerimist katsetati testlõigul mnt. 2 Kose-Võõbu tee-ehitusel teostatud katsetel,
kus turbapinnaste stabiliseerimise sideaineks kasutati tsemendi ja põlevkivituha segu.
Testlõigul valmistatud segude survetugevuseks saavutati kuni 200 kPa, mis on 3 korda
suurem võrreldes käesolevas uurimistöös saadud tulemustega.
Tuginedes nendele uurimustes välja toodud tehnoloogiatele on turbapinnastele võimalik
projekteerida ajutisi teid.
In Estonia’s environmental picture mires have great importance as balancer of water resources and natural state. Excavation of peatlands emits large amounts of carbon diocide, which is one of the biggest causes of global warming today and there is a need to find alternative solutions for largescale excavations of peatlands. The aim of this work was to determine the geotechnical properties of mixed recipes developed on the basis of oil shale ash for stabilizing peat soils within the project of the Environmental Investment Center. Geotechnical properties have been determined on the basis of previous studies and standards. Test specimens were prepared under both field and laboratory conditions based on selected mixing recipes. The following geotechnical properties were determined during the study: water content, bulk density, shear strength, untrained shear strength, compressibility and compressive strength. Based on the results of the study, the compressibility of peat soils can be reduced twice. The strength of peat soils can be doubled. Under the project, mixtures prepared outdoors and in the laboratody achieved a compressive strength of up to 66 kPa. The untrained shear strength was up to 33 kPa. By mixing dried peat soils with oil shale ash and other chemical components, it is possible to achieve a compressive strength of peat soils of up to 426 kPa. In wet conditions it is possible to increase the initial strength of peat by 2 times and in dry conditions 2 more times. The designed load capacity can be achieved up to 103 kPa. Mass stabilization was tested on a test section of mnt. 2 Kose-Võõbu, in road construction tests, where mixture of cement and oil shale ash was used as a binder for stabilization of peat soils. The compressive strength of the mixtures prepared in the test section was up to 200kPa, which is 3 times higher than the results obtained in the present study. Based on the technologies identified in these studies, its is possible to design temporary roads on peat soils.
In Estonia’s environmental picture mires have great importance as balancer of water resources and natural state. Excavation of peatlands emits large amounts of carbon diocide, which is one of the biggest causes of global warming today and there is a need to find alternative solutions for largescale excavations of peatlands. The aim of this work was to determine the geotechnical properties of mixed recipes developed on the basis of oil shale ash for stabilizing peat soils within the project of the Environmental Investment Center. Geotechnical properties have been determined on the basis of previous studies and standards. Test specimens were prepared under both field and laboratory conditions based on selected mixing recipes. The following geotechnical properties were determined during the study: water content, bulk density, shear strength, untrained shear strength, compressibility and compressive strength. Based on the results of the study, the compressibility of peat soils can be reduced twice. The strength of peat soils can be doubled. Under the project, mixtures prepared outdoors and in the laboratody achieved a compressive strength of up to 66 kPa. The untrained shear strength was up to 33 kPa. By mixing dried peat soils with oil shale ash and other chemical components, it is possible to achieve a compressive strength of peat soils of up to 426 kPa. In wet conditions it is possible to increase the initial strength of peat by 2 times and in dry conditions 2 more times. The designed load capacity can be achieved up to 103 kPa. Mass stabilization was tested on a test section of mnt. 2 Kose-Võõbu, in road construction tests, where mixture of cement and oil shale ash was used as a binder for stabilization of peat soils. The compressive strength of the mixtures prepared in the test section was up to 200kPa, which is 3 times higher than the results obtained in the present study. Based on the technologies identified in these studies, its is possible to design temporary roads on peat soils.
Maaehitus õppekaval
magistritööd, Roheline Ülikool (töö toetab EMÜ Rohelise Ülikooli põhimõtteid), ehitusmaterjalid, looduslikud materjalid, ökomajad, säästev tehnoloogia, keskkond, põlevkihituhk, geotehnika, stabiliseerimine, survetugevus