Tahavaatepeeglite puhastuse süsteem veokile
Kättesaadav alates
Suletud / Closed, Korraldus nr. 1-11/31
Laanemets, Rainis
Ajakirja pealkiri
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Eesti Maaülikool
Käesoleva magistritöö eesmärgiks on luua veokile (eelkõige kaugsõiduautodele)
tahavaatepeegli puhastuse ja kuivatamise süsteemi prototüüp. Töö käigus uuriti
sarnaseid olemasolevaid lahendusi ja neile taotletud patente. Analüüsides erinevaid
peegli puhastamise ja kuivatamise lahendusi, otsustati puhastamine teostada
survepesuga (klaasipesuvedeliku abil), sarnaselt nagu mõningatel tänapäeva autodel
esilaternate pesu. Peegli kuivatamine on lahendatud suruõhuga kuni 12,5 bar, mis on
raskeveokitel olemas pidurdussüsteemi, auto ja haagise õhkvedrustuse ning muude
süsteemide tarvis. Puhastamine ja kuivatamine toimub ühe nupule vajutamisega.
Vajutades peeglipuhastaja nupule, pritsitakse klaasipesuvedelikku peeglile seejärel
puhutakse suruõhuga peeglipind kuivaks. Kirjeldatud süsteem võimaldab puhastada
autopeegleid sõidukit peatamata ja suurendab seeläbi liikluse ohutust ja mugavust.
The purpose of this Master's thesis is to create a prototype of the rear-view mirror cleaning and drying system for a truck. The work was looked at similar existing solutions and the patents what they have today. By analyzing various solutions for mirror cleaning and drying, decided to perform a cleaning with high pressure washing (with windshield washer fluid), same as modern cars headlights cleaning systems. Drying of the mirror is solved by compressed air until to 12,5 bar. Compressed air is used for brake system on trucks, cars and trailers air suspensions and for some other systems. Cleaning and drying is performed with single action. Pushing the mirror cleaning button at first sprayed the fluid on the rear-view mirror surface and after that mirror dried with compressed air. The described system above allows to cleaning car mirrors without stopping the vehicle and thereby increase the safety and comfort in traffic.
The purpose of this Master's thesis is to create a prototype of the rear-view mirror cleaning and drying system for a truck. The work was looked at similar existing solutions and the patents what they have today. By analyzing various solutions for mirror cleaning and drying, decided to perform a cleaning with high pressure washing (with windshield washer fluid), same as modern cars headlights cleaning systems. Drying of the mirror is solved by compressed air until to 12,5 bar. Compressed air is used for brake system on trucks, cars and trailers air suspensions and for some other systems. Cleaning and drying is performed with single action. Pushing the mirror cleaning button at first sprayed the fluid on the rear-view mirror surface and after that mirror dried with compressed air. The described system above allows to cleaning car mirrors without stopping the vehicle and thereby increase the safety and comfort in traffic.
Tootmistehnika õppekaval
magistritööd, survepesu, sõiduohutus, suruõhk, mugavus