Sädesüütega mootori juhtseadme Megasquirt-II seadistamine töötamaks bioetanooliga
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Käesoleva töö käigus on uuritud sädesüütega sisepõlemismootorite toitesüsteemide arengut
ning erinevate toitesüsteemide tööpõhimõtet, samuti uuriti bioetanooli kasutusvõimalusi
sädesüütega mootorites.
Konkreetsemalt tutvuti seadistatava mootorijuhtsüsteemiga MegaSquirt-II. Töö käigus
paigaldati Eesti Maaülikooli mootorite katselaboris olevale Gaz-21 mootorile MegaSquirtiga
töötamiseks vajalikud andurid ja täiturid. Mootor paigutati seadistamiseks katsestendi.
Mootori stendi paigaldamiseks projekteeriti ja valmistati vajalikud detailid, detailide joonised
on näha lisas A. Stendis mootorit koormates koostati juhtseadmele kütuse- ja süütekaardid
töötamaks bensiiniga. Kahjuks jäi aja puudusel tegemata seadistus MS-le töötamaks
bioetanooliga. Töös on uuritud ja antud ülevaade muudatustest, mis tuleks seadistuses teha
töötamaks etanooliga.
The main objective of thesis is to compile knowledge about using MegaSquirt-II engine managment system to work with bioethanol, in order to install programmable engine control unit on a spark ignition engine and adjust it to work with bioethanol. Over decades engineers have tried to find alternatives to fossil fuel due to fast rising prices and to decrease greenhouse gas emissions. Bioethanol in easy to produce and nature friendlt alternative to fossile fuels. The first chapter tells about development on engine managment systems through the history of spark ignition engine. Also overview of working principles of ECUs is given. Finally, MegaSquirt ECUs are introduced. Second chapter describes the engine used and modifications needed. Also, adding senors and actuators is described. Third chapter gives overview of pros and cons of using bioethanol as engine fuel. Fourth chapter is about calibrating sensors, preparations needed before first start and tuning fuel and ignition maps. Also brief overview is given wich settings are needed to adjust ECU to work with bioethanol.
The main objective of thesis is to compile knowledge about using MegaSquirt-II engine managment system to work with bioethanol, in order to install programmable engine control unit on a spark ignition engine and adjust it to work with bioethanol. Over decades engineers have tried to find alternatives to fossil fuel due to fast rising prices and to decrease greenhouse gas emissions. Bioethanol in easy to produce and nature friendlt alternative to fossile fuels. The first chapter tells about development on engine managment systems through the history of spark ignition engine. Also overview of working principles of ECUs is given. Finally, MegaSquirt ECUs are introduced. Second chapter describes the engine used and modifications needed. Also, adding senors and actuators is described. Third chapter gives overview of pros and cons of using bioethanol as engine fuel. Fourth chapter is about calibrating sensors, preparations needed before first start and tuning fuel and ignition maps. Also brief overview is given wich settings are needed to adjust ECU to work with bioethanol.
bioetanoolkütus, sisepõlemismootorid, kütusekaart, süütekaart, programmeeritav mootori juhtseade, lõputööd