Administratiivpiiri ja katastriüksuse piiri erinevused Tartu maakonna näitel
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Eesti seaduse järgi saab kuuluda katastriüksus ainult ühte administratiivüksusesse, aga
kaardi andmete järgi asub katastriüksuse osa teises administratiivüksuses võrreldes tema
põhipindalaga. Varasemalt on seda uurinud Maret Piunovi oma magistritöös „Maamõõdu
töödega tekkivad administratiivpiiride määramise probleemid Tartu linna näitel“.
Bakalaureusetöös käsitlevat probleemi pole varasemalt palju uuritud, sellest tulenevalt on
võimalik kasutada piiratud hulka materjali.
Töö eesmärk on välja selgitada administratiivpiiride ja katastriüksuste piiride erinevuste
iseloom ja ulatus.
Töö koostamiseks kasutati Maa-ameti geoportaali WMS teenust ja geoportaalist saadavat
omavalitsuste piiride faili. Erinevuste digitaliseerimisks kasutati Mapinfo 10.0
Töö tulemuseks oli andmebaas, kuhu leiti 252 administratiivpiiri ja katastriüksuse piiri
erinevusi. Kõige suurema kaaluga olid erinevused, mille pindala jäi alla 100 m2
, aga esines
erinevusi mille pindala oli ka üle 5000 m2
. Tartu maakonnas võttis enda alla kõik
erinevused 172 083,669 m2
. Kõigist Tartu maakonna administratiivpiiridest leiti erinevus
25 erineval lõigul.
Eestis on seaduslik mõõtmissüsteem L-EST 97. Kaardipildi parandamiseks ning
erinevuste vähendamiseks tuleks senised mõõtmised üle mõõta ning korrigeerida. Lisaks
peaks administratiivpiiri koordinaatidesse lisama selle lähedal asuvate katastriüksuste
piiripunktide koordinaadid, mis muudaks administratiivpiiri täpsemaks.
In Estonia one land unit can belong to only one administrative entity, but according to map data a part of a land unit’s surface area belongs to a different administrative entity than the rest. Before this topic has been researched by Maret Piunovi in her Master´s Thesis „“. Because this topic has not been researched a lot before there is a limited amount of material that can be used. The purpose of this paper is to explain the nature and range of administrative border and cadastre border differences. This paper was created using Estonian Land Boards geodatabases WMS service and administrative border file, which is available at Estonian Land Boards geodatabases. The differences where plot using Mapinfo 10.0 program. The results of this paper shows that the writer found 252 administrative border and cadastre border differences in Tartu county. The largest share of differences where under 100 m2 in surface area, but there were instances, where the surface area of a difference was over 5000 m2 . The combined surface area of all differences was 172 083,669 m2 . Tartu county administrative borders where split into 66 segments and differences where found in 25 of them. In Estonia the legal measuring system is L-EST 97. Cadastre border should be measured again and corrected to correct map images and to reduce the amount of differences between administrative border and cadastre border. Additionally administrative border should include measurements from the cadastre units that are beside of it.
In Estonia one land unit can belong to only one administrative entity, but according to map data a part of a land unit’s surface area belongs to a different administrative entity than the rest. Before this topic has been researched by Maret Piunovi in her Master´s Thesis „“. Because this topic has not been researched a lot before there is a limited amount of material that can be used. The purpose of this paper is to explain the nature and range of administrative border and cadastre border differences. This paper was created using Estonian Land Boards geodatabases WMS service and administrative border file, which is available at Estonian Land Boards geodatabases. The differences where plot using Mapinfo 10.0 program. The results of this paper shows that the writer found 252 administrative border and cadastre border differences in Tartu county. The largest share of differences where under 100 m2 in surface area, but there were instances, where the surface area of a difference was over 5000 m2 . The combined surface area of all differences was 172 083,669 m2 . Tartu county administrative borders where split into 66 segments and differences where found in 25 of them. In Estonia the legal measuring system is L-EST 97. Cadastre border should be measured again and corrected to correct map images and to reduce the amount of differences between administrative border and cadastre border. Additionally administrative border should include measurements from the cadastre units that are beside of it.
bakalaureusetööd, piirid (territ.), geoportaal, Tartu maakond