Soojuspumba sisemise soojuskandja koguse mõju seadme tööparameetritele
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Haak, Indrek
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Eesti Maaülikool
Käesolev bakalaureusetöö keskendub õhk-õhk tüüpi soojuspumba uurimisele, millest on puudu teadmata kogus soojuskandjat. Töö eesmärgiks on välja selgitada puuduolev soojuskandja hulk, soojuskandja seejärel järk-järgult asendada ning samal ajal mõõta labori tingimustes olulisi seadme tööparameetreid. Uuritavateks parameetriteks olid tarbimisvõimsus, soojuspumba välisosa sisend- ja väljundõhuvoolu temperatuurid ning õhuvoolu kiirus. Uurimustöö on jagatud kolmeks osaks.
Esimeses osas antakse kirjandusel baseeruv ülevaade õhk-õhk tüüpi soojuspumpade toimimise kohta ja kirjeldatakse seadme põhikomponente. Külmutusagensid on väga oluliseks osaks soojuspumba töös, siis antakse ka ülevaade nende ainete ajaloole ning neile esitatavatele nõuetele. Töö teine osa keskendub katses kasutatud seadmete ning mõõteriistade kirjeldamisele. Valitakse välja katsemeetod ja põhjendatakse valikut.
Kolmas osa on katsete tulemuste avaldamine ning arutelu. Katsetest selgub, et katseobjektiks oleva soojuspumba tarbimisvõimsus ning seadme välisosa läbiva õhuvoolu kiirus ei sõltunud seadmes olevast soojuskandja kogusest. Küll aga avaldas soojuskandja lisamine olulist mõju soojuspumba välisosa läbiva õhuvoolu temperatuuride muutusele. Kuna seadet läbiva õhu mass ja tarbimisvõimsus ei muutunud, siis viitab õhuvoolu temperatuuride vahe kasv ka tõhususteguri ja soojushulga ülekande paranemisele.
This bachelor's thesis focuses on the research of an air-to-air type heat pump, which lacks an unknown amount of heat carrier. The aim of the work is to find out the missing amount of heat carrier, then to gradually replace the heat carrier, and at the same time to measure important operating parameters of the device under laboratory conditions. The parameters to be studied were the power consumption, the temperatures of the input and output air flow of the heat pump's outer part, and the air flow speed. The research is divided into three parts. The first part provides a literature-based overview of the operation of air-to-air heat pumps and describes the main components of the device. As the refrigerants are a very important part of heat pump operation, then an overview of the history of these substances and the requirements for them is also given. The second part of the work focuses on describing the equipment and measuring instruments used in the experiment. The test method is selected and the choice is justified. The third part is the publication of the results of the experiments and the discussion. The tests show that the power consumption of the test subject heat pump and the speed of the air flow passing through the outer part of the device did not depend on the amount of heat carrier in the device. However, the addition of the heat carrier had a significant effect on the temperature change of the air flow passing through the outer part of the heat pump. Since the mass of the air passing through the device and the power consumption did not change, the increase in the air flow temperature difference also indicates an improvement in the coefficient of performance and heating capacity.
This bachelor's thesis focuses on the research of an air-to-air type heat pump, which lacks an unknown amount of heat carrier. The aim of the work is to find out the missing amount of heat carrier, then to gradually replace the heat carrier, and at the same time to measure important operating parameters of the device under laboratory conditions. The parameters to be studied were the power consumption, the temperatures of the input and output air flow of the heat pump's outer part, and the air flow speed. The research is divided into three parts. The first part provides a literature-based overview of the operation of air-to-air heat pumps and describes the main components of the device. As the refrigerants are a very important part of heat pump operation, then an overview of the history of these substances and the requirements for them is also given. The second part of the work focuses on describing the equipment and measuring instruments used in the experiment. The test method is selected and the choice is justified. The third part is the publication of the results of the experiments and the discussion. The tests show that the power consumption of the test subject heat pump and the speed of the air flow passing through the outer part of the device did not depend on the amount of heat carrier in the device. However, the addition of the heat carrier had a significant effect on the temperature change of the air flow passing through the outer part of the heat pump. Since the mass of the air passing through the device and the power consumption did not change, the increase in the air flow temperature difference also indicates an improvement in the coefficient of performance and heating capacity.
Tehnika ja tehnoloogia õppekaval
bakalaureusetööd, soojuspump, tööparameetrid, tarbimisvõimsus, tõhusustegur, soojushulk