3D prinditud detailide järeltöötlemise tehnoloogia
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FDM ja FFF tehnoloogiat kasutatavate printeritega prinditud detailide pind jääb krobeline. Siinse
töö eesmärk on projekteerida järeltöötlusseade ABS-materjalist 3D prinditud detailide pinnakvaliteedi parandmiseks. Töö teoreetilises osas on kasutatud ingliskeelset kirjandust. Järeltöötlusseadme projekteerimiseks kasutati Solid Edge 2020 tarkvara. Toodi välja erinevad põhimõttelahendused, hinnati neid ja valiti hindamistulemuste põhjal järeltöötlusseadme jaoks parim tehniline lahendus. Järeltöötlusseadme projekteerimisel välja valitud ostudetailid kinnitati sobivust
programmis Solid Edge 2020.
Töö tulemusena projekteeriti järeltöötlusseade. Töö edasine etapp hõlmab järeltöötlusseadme katsetamist ja selle edasi arendamist.
Parts printed with FDM and FFF technology printers have a rough surface. The aim of this work is to design a postprocessing device for improve surface quality of 3D printed parts made of ABS material. The theoretical part of this work is based on the materials that have been published in English. Solid Edge 2020 Software was used for designing this postprocessing device. Different basic solutions were introduced, evaluated and based on the evaluation results, the best technical solution for the postprocessing device was selected.. When designing the postprocessing device, the material selection and its fitting to the projection went hand in hand. As a result of the work, a postprocessing device was designed. Further research involves testing of the device and further development of the device.
Parts printed with FDM and FFF technology printers have a rough surface. The aim of this work is to design a postprocessing device for improve surface quality of 3D printed parts made of ABS material. The theoretical part of this work is based on the materials that have been published in English. Solid Edge 2020 Software was used for designing this postprocessing device. Different basic solutions were introduced, evaluated and based on the evaluation results, the best technical solution for the postprocessing device was selected.. When designing the postprocessing device, the material selection and its fitting to the projection went hand in hand. As a result of the work, a postprocessing device was designed. Further research involves testing of the device and further development of the device.
Tehnika ja tehnoloogia õppekaval
bakalaureusetööd, 3D-printimine, järeltöötlemine