Taimede ökoloogilised kohastumused, elustrateegiad ja elurikkus linnas, Eesti Maaülikooli linnaku taimestiku näitel
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Eesti Maaülikool
Seoses muutuva maailmapildiga ja linnade kasvamisega on aina olulisemaks teemaks kujunenud elurikkus ja selle säilitamine linnades. Linnades kasvavad taimed toetavad elurikkust ja loovad erinevaid elupaiku ka teistele elusolenditele. Töö eesmärgiks oli anda ülevaade Eesti Maaülikooli linnaku rohealadel kasvavatest rohttaimedest, nende ökoloogilistest kohastumusest ning elustrateegiatest. Käesolevas töös analüüsiti Eesti Maaülikooli linnaku aladelt leitud rohttaimi, mille andmed pärinevad 2023. aastal toimunud välitöödelt.
Taimedele omistati ökoloogilised indikaatorarvud (Ellenberg, 1991, Tichy 2022), Grime (1979) CSR elustrateegiad, põhikasvukoht (Sammul 2008, Eesti taimede määraja 2007), reageering inimtegevusele (Kukk, 1999), hinnati Eesti pärandniitudele iseloomulike, ekspansiivsete ja võõrliikide osakaalu (Kasari-Toussaint jt 2023).
Kokku leiti 245 erinevat rohttaime liiki, millest 236 määrati liigi ning 9 perekonna tasemeni.
Ellenbergi (1991) ja Tichy jt (2022) indikaatorarvude alusel leiti, et umbes pooled leitud taimedest kuuluvad valgusnõudlikumate ja mõningast varju taluvate liikide hulka, üle poole taimedest eelistavad kasvada mõõdukalt niisketes kuni kuivades tingimustes, enamus eelistavad kergelt happelist kuni kergelt aluselist mulda ning suur osakaal toitaineterikast kasvukohta. Grime (1979) CSR elustrateegiate põhjal klassifitseeritud taimedest leidus kõige enam CSR strateege. Järgnesid C strateegid ning CS ja CR strateegid. Kõige vähem leidus S strateege. Analüüsides taimi põhikasvukoha järgi, leiti et enamus linnakus kasvavate taimede põhikasvukohaks on inimmõjulised kultuurkooslused ning taimestikus oligi kõige enam apofüüte ja antropofüüte, liigid, mis taluvad hästi inimtegevust. Niidutaimede osakaal moodustas kolmandiku kogu taimestikust. Analüüsides taimi teatmikku “Eesti pärandniitude taimed” põhjal leiti, et loendatud taimedest 34 olid Eesti pärandniitudele omased positiivsed tunnusliigid, 21 ekspansiivsed liigid ning 4 võõrliigid.
Uuring näitas, et Maaülikooli linnaku rohealadel kasvavad taimed on suuresti iseloomulikud inimmõjulistele kooslustele. Elurikkuse säilitamiseks ja looduslikele kooslustele iseloomulikumate taimede osakaalu suurendamiseks tuleks rohealasid jätkusuutlikult hallata ja vähendada niitmist, vähendades häiringut kooslustes ning uute rohealade loomisel soovituslikult kasutada kodumaiseid taimi.
In connection with the changing worldview and the growth of cities, biodiversity and its preservation in urban areas have become an increasingly important topic. Plants in cities support biodiversity and create habitats for various organisms. The aim of this study was to provide an overview of the herbaceous plants growing in the green areas of the Estonian University of Life Sciences campus, focusing on their ecological adaptations and life strategies. The analysis was based on data collected during fieldwork conducted in 2023 on the university campus. Ecological indicator values (Ellenberg, 1991; Tichy, 2022), Grime’s CSR life strategies (1979), habitat preference (Sammul, 2008; Estonian Plant Atlas, 2007), responses to human activity (Kukk, 1999), and the proportion of species typical to Estonian semi-natural meadows, expansive species, and alien species (Kasari-Toussaint et al., 2023) were assigned to the plants. A total of 245 different herbaceous plant species were found, with 236 identified to the species level and 9 to the genus level. Based on Ellenberg (1991) and Tichy et al. (2022) indicator values, about half of the plants were light-demanding or tolerant of partial shade, over half preferred moderately moist to dry conditions, most favored slightly acidic to slightly alkaline soils, and a large proportion preferred nutrient-rich habitats. Grime's (1979) CSR life strategies indicated that most plants were CSR strategists, followed by C, CS, and CR strategists, with S strategists being the least common. Analyzing the plants by their habitat preference, it was found that most plants in the campus grew in human-influenced cultural landscapes, with the flora dominated by apophytes and anthropophytes—species that tolerate human activity well. Meadow plants accounted for one-third of the total flora. Based on the guide "Plants of Estonian Semi-Natural Meadows," 34 of the recorded plants were positive indicator species of Estonian semi-natural meadows, 21 were expansive species, and 4 were alien species. The study showed that the plants growing in the green areas of the University campus are largely characteristic of human-influenced communities. To preserve biodiversity and increase the proportion of plants typical of natural communities, it is recommended to manage green areas sustainably, reduce mowing to minimize disturbance, and use native plants when creating new green spaces.
In connection with the changing worldview and the growth of cities, biodiversity and its preservation in urban areas have become an increasingly important topic. Plants in cities support biodiversity and create habitats for various organisms. The aim of this study was to provide an overview of the herbaceous plants growing in the green areas of the Estonian University of Life Sciences campus, focusing on their ecological adaptations and life strategies. The analysis was based on data collected during fieldwork conducted in 2023 on the university campus. Ecological indicator values (Ellenberg, 1991; Tichy, 2022), Grime’s CSR life strategies (1979), habitat preference (Sammul, 2008; Estonian Plant Atlas, 2007), responses to human activity (Kukk, 1999), and the proportion of species typical to Estonian semi-natural meadows, expansive species, and alien species (Kasari-Toussaint et al., 2023) were assigned to the plants. A total of 245 different herbaceous plant species were found, with 236 identified to the species level and 9 to the genus level. Based on Ellenberg (1991) and Tichy et al. (2022) indicator values, about half of the plants were light-demanding or tolerant of partial shade, over half preferred moderately moist to dry conditions, most favored slightly acidic to slightly alkaline soils, and a large proportion preferred nutrient-rich habitats. Grime's (1979) CSR life strategies indicated that most plants were CSR strategists, followed by C, CS, and CR strategists, with S strategists being the least common. Analyzing the plants by their habitat preference, it was found that most plants in the campus grew in human-influenced cultural landscapes, with the flora dominated by apophytes and anthropophytes—species that tolerate human activity well. Meadow plants accounted for one-third of the total flora. Based on the guide "Plants of Estonian Semi-Natural Meadows," 34 of the recorded plants were positive indicator species of Estonian semi-natural meadows, 21 were expansive species, and 4 were alien species. The study showed that the plants growing in the green areas of the University campus are largely characteristic of human-influenced communities. To preserve biodiversity and increase the proportion of plants typical of natural communities, it is recommended to manage green areas sustainably, reduce mowing to minimize disturbance, and use native plants when creating new green spaces.
Loodusturismi õppekaval
bakalaureusetööd, Eesti Maaülikool, elurikkus, taimede ökoloogilised indikaatorarvud, elustrateegiad, linnastumine, Roheline Ülikool (töö toetab EMÜ Rohelise Ülikooli põhimõtteid), elurikkus, pärandkooslused, pärandmaastikud, maastikukaitse